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    Free hug?

    Yeah I was one of them. I was wearing a black T shirt and grey sleeves. I had brown hair. So do you want a free hug? *hugs* It was really fun hugging everyone.
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    Star wars Battlefront 1-2

    has anyone played these games? they are one of my all time favorites. if so tell me.
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    South Park

    Hey people i just wanted to make this thread.... i dont know i just wanna.. :? :D Favorite moments and characters etc..?
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    Hey everyone, Sorry i haven't been on the forums lately. This website called Gaia Online always distracts me from going here. So don't get offended if i haven't replied to any messages or any stuff like that. :) I'll try going on this website almost day. :D
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    Naruto, FMA, Bleach Which one is better? HMM?

    i know i already did it but this time its on the right category of the forums. so let me hear your opinion :wink: sorry but naruto is mine all the way
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    Which is better Naruto, Bleach, Or Fullmetal Alchemist?

    I've always beeen wondering which one is better but Its more of a 50/50 % chance with me. i want to know your opinion 8) ok so far: FMA 7 :o Naruto 0 :shock: Bleach 0
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    Rune Soldier

    hello i think rune soldier is a very good series. i dont know if it's still running but who cares :P you can buy it at hmv because thats where i got my copies.
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    Hey everyone, i never had time to introduce myself. My name is John and i'm 13 years old and anime is the best thing that ever happened to me. It all started when i was 10 years old in the usa watching toonami. I saw this really cool show with this guy who looked like a girl, with red hair and...