Search results

  1. S

    Recommendable J-RPGs

    Definately Ni no Kuni. It's so accessible, beautiful, large and full with just fantastic humour. It'd be a fantastic game for someone to start the genre on.
  2. S

    London Comic Con (aka MCM Expo 24-26 May)

    Re: AUKN Meetups: Have we actually had one? Will you be gracing us with the hat again? In the backwards-facing position? :D
  3. S

    AUKN Meetups: Have we actually had one?

    Zin5ki was a surprisingly aggressive dodgem driver, too! lol. Ayase, I think we did okay though. You were a good driver, sir :p Was a nice meal at the end too! Would definately go to do all of this again next time if another were to be arranged!
  4. S

    AUKN Meetups: Have we actually had one?

    If all goes wrong, we have enough people to now play Monopoly in the pub then. Recently Game have been selling Nintendo Monopoly. Sure sounds like the best way to spend your time in London to me! ;)
  5. S

    AUKN Meetups: Have we actually had one?

    You should have checked your private messages then ;) And beer prices don't fluctuate much, the important one is the price of food ;)
  6. S

    AUKN Meetups: Have we actually had one?

    Woaaaah. The pub is actually in the station? Surely it's uh, "premium prices"?
  7. S

    AUKN Meetups: Have we actually had one?

    Vash: Please hold the hand position the whole time you're there until my arrival. Otherwise, I'll probably not be able to remember what you look like since a Saturday in Kings Cross is probably gonna be pretty busy! Zin: Hope to see you tomorrow then! I'm still unsure of the location, however...
  8. S

    AUKN Meetups: Have we actually had one?

    So, is there a way to identify people? Ayase, since we're all meeting around you can't you make a sign or something? lol. Is it okay if my friend comes along with me by the way?
  9. S

    AUKN Meetups: Have we actually had one?

    Info? Time/Place/Who?
  10. S

    Bravely Default: Flying Fairy localisation confirmed?

    Just incase you noticed there is a final Japanese sentence that hasn't been translated, it only says "I'm using translation software^^;" I guess you could have just used translation software to figure that out though, lol.
  11. S

    AUKN Meetups: Have we actually had one?

    It's likely I'll be in there too. Wow Ayase, you sure are the most popular forum member here, lol.
  12. S

    The General Japanese Learning Thread

    えぇ、全然大丈夫だよ!(`_´)ゞ 今はクリスマスだからカエデは忙しいでしょう! みんなの日本語?なるほどね~ 俺はテクストブークが好きじゃないから使わないけど-!(`_´)ゞ うん、絶対テレビを見た方がいいよ! テレビのゲームが好き?好きなら、してみた方がいいよ!( ´ ▽ ` )ノ あと、日本のテレビのサイトを見つけたいなら、ググるで探せばいいと思う!( ´ ▽ ` )ノ あとね、インボクスをチェックしてください!
  13. S

    AUKN Meetups: Have we actually had one?

    I know right-! Where have you been then ilmae? I'm not here often mind. 時々だけ来るよ! and all that :P
  14. S

    What Games Are You Playing?

    Playstation Allstars Battle Royale This game is so good. If anyone else has it, I would be happy to try you out online!
  15. S

    The General Japanese Learning Thread

    あぁ!さんってじゃなくてもいいよ!ここで皆は友達でしょう?(=´∀`)人(´∀`=) まだ勉強してる?良かった!ここ日本語でチャットはあんまりないよね?だから、心配してた!( ̄▽ ̄) 笑 ところで、カエデの勉強は何?テクストブークを使ってる? えぇ?俺の日本語が好き?良かったね!( ̄▽ ̄) 今まで勉強したことないけど!(`_´)ゞ スカイプで日本人と話してたから、そろそろ良くなったと思う!(^-^)/ あと、いつも日本のテレビを見てるなら、いつも英語字幕がないよ!始めて見る時、全然分からないでしょう!でも、そろそろ分かるよ!♪(´ε` )...
  16. S

    The Wii U Thread (Including NNIDs)!

    Just wondering if anyone can tell me, can the UK WiiU function with the Japanese version easily? I read you can access the Japanese MiiVerse, but can you type Japanese there? If anyone feels kind and wants to check, under keyboards you'd be looking for 日本語ローマ字, ローマ字 or 日本語かな probably! It's a...
  17. S

    AUKN Meetups: Have we actually had one?

    I'm sure another co-ordinated effort may be able to fix this! I've met quite a few from here at the Expo though. I missed the October one this year sadly though.
  18. S

    What Games Are You Playing?

    I have this on DS just waiting to be started! I really should play it. Recently I've been playing a variety of games, that sadly meaning nothing is getting finished. It started with Deus Ex being replayed, then most of Yakuza 3, then playing some LA Noire with a friend. Alas I'm just trying to...
  19. S

    The General Japanese Learning Thread

    えぇ、久しぶりだよね! 日本語を勉強してる人はまだいる? みんな、日本語の勉強はどう?上手になってるよね?( ´ ▽ ` )ノ 最近、日本のご飯を食べてみたー めっちゃ美味しかった( ̄▽ ̄) 日本のカレーが好きだよ (笑) ( ̄▽ ̄) 僕もそろそろ上手になってるよ!でも、まだ練習しなくちゃ! (しないとダメ) またね!
  20. S

    The General Japanese Learning Thread

    うん、でも、久しぶりだよね! はい、 でも、 久しぶり です よ!