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    Dark Materials

    Man I can't wait for this/these film/s to come out. Based off Phillip Pullman's trilogy I think this will be good. Kidman, Dakota Fanning in the mix. What's ur thoughts? Any of you guys read the books?
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    Yo! When's the next one coming?
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    Christy's Anime-inspired wrk and fanart pages

    Ok here's a sneak peek at my fanart and anime inspired artwork ^^ Enjoy! Comments appreciated ^^ ChoiceCreations - Virtual Playground of Digital Ideas
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    Hewoooooooo \\^_^ ^_^//

    Hiya! I'm Christy and I'm a long term addict of the anime and manga bug. Check out what I've seen and got in my siggy. I'm off to Amecon this August so see whoever's goin there.