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    Websites for selling DVDs

    Hi there, Does anyone know a good place to sell DVDs other than Amazon. They've put some new restrictions on which means you can't sell certain items unless you're a top seller. What good alternatives are there? Thanks
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    Shin Sekai Yori

    Has anyone seen this? I just finished it and it's really good. Definitely one of the best science fiction anime I've seen and also just one of the most original science fiction stories I've come across in general. The plot is completely fascinating and engaging, which is really unusual for a 2...
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    Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

    How I Live Now (2013) This was an extremely frustrating and embarrassing film to watch. Cinematically, it was fine but the writing was a train wreck. It was a fairly conventional story archetype, and I think for this reason the writers decided to give it an extreme plot setting in order to...
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    Evangelion: The Series vs The Rebuilds

    I don't know if anyone has seen this guys series of videos yet but they're really well made and analytical. They really get into a lot of the issues of what separates the new films from the original series in terms of the writing quality. Part 1 Part...
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    Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

    We obviously have totally different definitions of what "art house" means. Drive had way too much dialogue, characterisation and rhythm to be an "art house" film by my standard. It had art housey scenes, but so do lots of other films that no one calls art house. Just to be clear I liked Drive...
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    Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

    I think your criticism is slightly misplaced. You could argue that Winding Refn's use of Gosling was an attempt to capitalise on the success of Drive but comparing this to Drive makes no sense in terms of the type of film this is. OGF was clearly meant to be an art house film, aimed primarily at...
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    What brings you back to a film?

    Hi there, After watching a couple of films recently that I hadn't in a while, I started thinking about why certain films are rewatchable and others aren't. For myself, I've come to the conclusion, that it's the depth of characterisation and the atmosphere the film generates, that brings me...
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    Pacific Rim

    I'm glad people are taking note of this, because the problem with most action films right now is they just throw narrative structure out of the window, because it's "just an action film". In this aspect PR clearly stood out from recent action films like Stark Trek and Man of Steel.
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    Pacific Rim

    When people claim that they see the influence of one film, book etc over another that would suggest that they perceive close similarities between them. I can't really think why else you'd claim that.
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    Pacific Rim

    Mazinger Z is about a mad scientist who sends out giant robots to take over the world. He is opposed by a boy who pilots a giant robot without any assistance, from other robots or the government. As far as I can tell, there isn't any need for the pilot to synchronise with the machine or another...
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    Pacific Rim

    Just watched it. Judging it by the standards of an action film, I'd give it a 8/10. The beginning was weak but I thought the rest of the film held up very well. I was engaged the whole way through. The pacing played a big role in this. It didn't feel like too much was being crammed in and...
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    General TV Discussion

    Game of Thrones. Oh my #;cking God!
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    Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

    The Children Who Chase Lost Voices (2011) 8/10 This is coming a bit late but in any case, I was really engaged by this film. This was somewhat surprising as I do tend to go into anime films expecting not to like them as so many have mediocre writing at best. This film definitely feels like a...
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    Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

    You would agree though that the first 3rd of the film is a crap fest?
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    Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

    to earn the trust of the increasingly-damaged Shinji in a rather extreme situation There's my problem, I just didn't think Shinji came across as very damaged in this film at all. More just confused. Infact, considering his situation I would say he was remarkably calm and unquestioning in the...
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    Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

    Evangelion 3.0 You can (not) Redo Wow. I have to say despite Eva being my favourite anime and science fiction series I really can't bring myself to say anything positive about this film. It is terrible, and despite all the problems I had with Star Trek ID I have to say that I was way more...
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    General News/Current Affairs Thread

    What political policies would these comments actually relate to though? It's not like a uk conservative politician praising Thatcher's deregulation of the banks in order to get votes. Sexually enslaving Asian women doesn't have any relation to modern day Japan.
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    General News/Current Affairs Thread

    What's even more disturbing about this is guy is that he was born 25 years after all this ended. Yet he still feels strongly enough about it to be defending it. I also wonder if he would have said the same thing about European women in Asia who were enslaved by the Japanese. I get the...
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    Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

    I've tried to watch Blade Runner three times and only succeeded finishing it on the 3rd. It just isn't very engaging to me. It has geat visuals but in terms of the characterisation, pacing and atmosphere it just feels too barren. Also, I feel like there are other films (including anime) that...
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    Types of Geek?

    In a lot of cases I would speculate they do it because it sounds more impressive than the genuine reason they like/dislike something. Which sounds better? "I don't like Full Metal Alchemist because the writing is bad" or "I don't like Full Metal Alchemist because it's sad and depressing"