ADV link up with Bit Torrent


Ghost of Animes
Taking advantage of recent file sharing trends, ADV Films (US) have made a <a href="">Madlax promotional video (English dubbed) available</a> to file sharers via Bit Torrent, revealing that this could be the beginning of a "larger project" involving such online distribution methods.

Bit Torrent is the file sharing program of choice and often used to distribute anime "fansubs".
Im curious as whether this will take the form of Newtype US DVD like preview episode downloads later on, or even the downloading of entire shows for fee. (I'd still want the actual dvds though myself if they were avalible).
i dont see why they would use BT if they didnt have bigger plans for it. they can distrubuting trailers in many easyer ways.
They sound like they're jumping on the Sony bandwagon

if u don't know what i mean, Spiderman 3 will be the first ever major motion film to be legaly available to download. you'll still have to pay for it, but sounds good to me
IanC said:
All it is, is a way of distributing trailers. Big freaking deal.

I haven't actually downloaded this promotional video yet but I understand it's both longer than the typical ADV trailer and higher quality too.

It's also a step in the right direction as far as utilizing the "witch craft" of Bit Torrent. A lot of anime fans use this file sharing program and it makes sense to test the water, I think a lot can be gained from it. Internet file sharing isn't going anywhere, so it's best these corporations work out a way of working with it rather than attempting to close it down. It's the future :)
TBH Bittorrents real power is to download ilegal stuff without having to worry bout 1 host getting caught and prosecuted.

If it came between BT and a direct link download i'd take DL everytime, much faster
Direct DL is a drain on bandwidth though. The beauty of this, and especially for a company like ADV who will have a ton of these large video files, is that they just need to admin a tracker and let the files share themselves.

I just downloaded this trailer. The quality was excellent and the speed was around 110 kbps :) Reminded me of the old Manga Ent. VHS trailers, cheesy voice over heaven.
that is really cool that adv have joined with bitt torrent does that mean they will allow some of their products to be available
that is really cool that adv have joined with bitt torrent does that mean they will allow some of their products to be available

Yeah but like Mangaminx said it is so much nicer to have the actual DVDs of a series rather than having them stored on your computer.
Although in general I too would rather have the official DVDs for a series, I think I've mentioned before that distributing series in this way would be a good idea for less popular series that ADV are already having trouble getting on shop shelves. Perhaps that will be a part of their 'larger project'.
As always, I'd stick with the DVDs, because, well, they look nice lined up. But I think this is a huge step foward for ADV, who've blamed fansubs mainly available through torrents for decreasing profits.

I could easily see some people prefering to download episodes, so they don't have to wait for the next DVD volume to come out, or if they don't want to pay for packaging and extras. An interesting development.