

Completely Average High School Student
yeah after a couple of posts i think i best introduce myself.

my name's ian.
i'm really into anime, but i want to get into it more. i think my interest pretty much started when The Animatrix was released, and i was then pointed in the direction of animes like Cowboy Bebop, Akira and such. pretty much the way everyone gets into it nowadays isn't it?
anyways, my main loves are music and comics. music being pulp, bright eyes, r.e.m., blood brothers, trail of dead, patrick wolf, every time i die, converge, circle takes the square, tilly and the wall... lots more. i love comics like lots of Daniel Clowes, Jason, Ben Templesmith, Adrian Tomine... and i have a rather hidden geeky obsession with Star Wars graphic novels.
yeah and i also love Six Feet Under. probably my favourite thing ever commited to tape, be it television, cinema or otherwise.

gah i've probably introduced myself too much. and i hope i'm not the only one here who uses myspace...