BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad on UK DVD


Ghost of Animes
According to, BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad is set for a (6 volume) UK DVD release. Given this is a FUNimation release in the US, the obvious assumption is that this is likely being released in the UK by Revelation Films, though it should be noted there is no official confirmation.

BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad is a 26 episode rock-drama about a young band progressing their way through the Japanese underground music scene.

Thanks to Espy for reporting this news!
Although I guess this was kinda predictable given FUNimation are pretty much releasing all of their new anime through Revelation, it's still great to see that BECK will be "hitting the UK".
I really tried to enjoy this series when I first watched it but.. I just really hated it.

I have a couple of friends who will buy it though.
Excellent news! I've been looking forward to this for ages. There was speculation about translating the songs for the dub'll be interesting to see how they go about doing that.
what?! they cant translate the songs! that'll be lame. i still have doubts about the dubbing due to the frequent american/japanese language barrier which made it realistic.
From what I've read, the whole language barrier issue isn't in the dub. To be fair to them, they would always have trouble dubbing certain sections of BECK so rather than invert the whole setting, they just removed that dialogue.
Yep, as the series is currently airing on a Canadian Television Channel, I can gurantee you that there isn't any language barrier, that is unless FUNimation created 2 Dubs, which I highly doubt. But the whole Moonlight Song in Episode 5 is quite nice. Which reminds me I've got to catch the Rerun tonight of Episode 6(The Channel that's airing it aired a Marathon like 5 Times in the past 2 weeks of the first 5 Episodes).