Director for Dragonball movie? And first image of AstroBoy


Ghost of Animes
News and rumors concerning the ever increasing list of supposed anime and manga adaptations continue to bubble under the surface.

<li>Many will be interested in the apparent scoop over at "<a href="">Chud</a>", who claim to <a href="">have news</a> on the upcoming live-action Dragonball movie. The director is said to be James Wong of "Final Destination" fame, while Chud's published casting descriptions appear to suggest that this probably won't be a faithful adaptation of Akira Toriyama's original story and will be kicking off with Dragonball era characters, not Dragonball Z.</li>
<li>Also, the first image snapped of Imagi's CG-flick <a href="">"Astro Boy" has been posted online</a>. Based on the most famous story from renowned manga-ka Osamu Tezuka and scheduled for release in 2009, the movie will be directed by former Pixar employee Colin Brady.</li>
What is all this sudden movie's based on anime being made by western companies? This is just going to ruin it. I've got a bad feeling >_>
I saw the picture for the latter a few days back. Didn't read into it all too much, But I have got to admit, Astro Boy does look incredibly well animated. I wouldn't mind seeing a entirely CG film, With this, I'm curious to actually pick up the manga series. I'll get the first volume soon enough.
IGN has recently shown off a teaser movie poster for Astro Boy along with a teaser poster for the Gatchaman movie

Link to the Gatchaman poster ... mgs_1.html

I'm not sure what to make of these though, then again guess its no different to all the other things that have been turned to movies. I mean if a theme park ride can get turned into a string of summer blockbusters, i guess anything is possible.
Not seen Astroboy, but from images I've seen of him, this screenie does look pretty decent. Seems very Toy Story like, in terms of Graffics.

As for (ANY) Live-action stuff, hear these wise words:
"Right now, Live-action is no substitute for the real thing."
Sakimori said:
What is all this sudden movie's based on anime being made by western companies? This is just going to ruin it. I've got a bad feeling >_>

It's the latest Hollywood "idea factory".. We've had comic book heroes, we've had remakes of old TV progs, next up: Anime/Manga adaptions.
Tsunami_Spike said:
Hope the Evangelion live action movie isn't going to be given the same ruined treatment ._.

I wouldn't hold your breath :p But lets see if the Evangelion live action movie can get out of development hell before it gets ruined
Following the current Hollywood does Anime theme....

You know Robotech is slated for production as well? Apparently it's the project of Tobey "Spiderman" Maguire, who will also (naturally) take a lead role....
minister3333 said:
You know Robotech is slated for production as well? Apparently it's the project of Tobey "Spiderman" Maguire, who will also (naturally) take a lead role....

Here News Reporters beat you to it. XD

Never seen Robotech in my life.
This isn't as famous, but speaking of American movies based on anime, Disney have had a live-action version of Kiki's Delivery Service bubbling for a whille. It's tentatively set for 2009 (but let's hope it goes into production hell).

They bypassed Studio Ghibli entirely by claiming "it's based on the book, not the film", but they're clearly ripping off the film.
BlackWolf said:
Tsunami_Spike said:
Hope the Evangelion live action movie isn't going to be given the same ruined treatment ._.

I wouldn't hold your breath :p But lets see if the Evangelion live action movie can get out of development hell before it gets ruined

Merf, lol I think I'll just not watch these movies to avoid them ruining my perfect visions of such anime shows XD