Gollancz UK Manga Plans


Stand User
Gollancz Manga had previously announced they were bringing four Viz manga titles to the UK, Dragon Ball, Fushigi Yuugi, Case Closed and Yu-Gi-Oh, which will begin on August 1st of this year, however they have now revealed plans for three more titles. From 2nd January 2006, Rumiko Takahashi's "slice of life" manga Maison Ikkoku along with epic samurai manga Rurouni Kenshin will begin, with fantasy based manga Flame Of Recca completing the new line up with its debut on 6th March 2006.

Gollancz's manga will retail at an attractive £4.99 per volume and all the titles for each month will be released on the first Monday of the month, dubbed "Manga Monday", to ensure everyone knows when the releases will be.

<span class="menu">Source: Neo Magazine
Can't say I'm too excited about this, not a fan of Viz's tendancy to edit manga fairly inconisitantly, and these titles listed are things that just don't appeal to me in the slightest. Although its good news for fans of such manga, and I hope the company does well. I'll be more impressed if other manga companies start having their titles released here mind.
I only have volume one of the Fushigi Yuugi manga, so I'll probably pick up the later volumes as they come out, Kenshin is one of those titles that's been on the 'eventually' list for a while but it's still not a priority. There are other titles that I would have been more interested in seeing, but at least this is a start.
Most of these titles hold no interest to me, but it's great to see manga released under a UK publishing house (previously, i've only encountered Victor Gollancz in Terry Pratchett hardbacks). It'll be interesting to see how many bookshops will stock some of these manga. The price is enticing for consumers, the series popular; this may lead onto more Viz titles being released if these titles sell well.
I buy a lot of Viz manga, but only the shoujo titles. I have up to volume 14 of Fushigi Yuugi anyway and the rest are shounen titles! So I won't bother with these UK releases.
Anyway, I'm too impatient for my manga to wait for UK releases :wink:
I can't say that any of those titles mentioned interest me although it would be nice if tokyopop changed its prices to match these :D
i dont like viz i prefer toykopop mainly because they edit it and i dont like edited, ill have to find somewhere to download if i can
Not every Viz title is edited! Although I only have knowledge of the shoujo titles, but I know Hana Yori Dango isn't edited and I don't believe FY or Ceres are either!
Whilst there are a few exceptions to this rule (Descendents of Darkness), Viz only edit Shonen Jump titles. As far as I can remember the edited SJ titles are: Shaman King, Hikaru no Go, Ultimate Muscle, I''s and Dr Slump. Tokyopop have also edited titles in the past too, although not as many as Viz.

On another note is anyone else surprised that Gollancz licensed Maison Ikkoku, which is after all the oldest, the least popular and the least well known of Rumiko Takahashi's major series. Nevertheless, I'll probably buy it though, it's been on my maybe list for a while. The only other title of interest to me is Kenshin, which I'm collecting from Viz already (although I am ten volumes behind).
I've picked up a few Viz titles over the last year or so, they're a bit cheap and cheerful compared to Tokyopop's releases but they have a slew of decent licenses as well as competitive prices.

I'm glad to hear they're making their way to the UK , bodes well for the manga market and will hopefully encourage more publishers to give the format a chance. It also gives me a good excuse to finish collecting Kenshin and finally pick up Fushigi Yuugi.
zaburai said:
Wa-wa-wait..i'm confused..as in MANGA, do u mean the Books of the Manga..or the TV series of the manga... :?

Yes, it's the books. Gollancz are a publishing house, mostly hardcovers I believe, who will release Viz licensed manga in the UK.
aniki said:
Fingers crossed they bring SaiKano over.
I would leap all over that.

Anyway, out of the titles they are starting with im going to get 2 of em, Case Closed (who cares about the changed names - due to the Japanese company natch (at least for the anime)) and Fushigi Yuugi.

Out of the other 3, ill get Rurouni Kenshin for sure.
IanC said:
aniki said:
Fingers crossed they bring SaiKano over.
I would leap all over that.

I think these titles will have to sell well before they take risks with SaiKano. Although SaiKano is an amazing manga, I don't think it has enough mainstream appeal over here to sell well, and I doubt it's one of the titles Viz will look at to release; far more likely for more Shouen Jump and maybe Action titles to be released than the "Editior's Choice," which are far less popular, more niche manga.

We can only hope.
I'd be interested in Rurouni Kenshin. The anime leaves the manga storyline right after things start getting good, so I'm anxious to see how everything turns out for the legendary Battousai. Anything that can spawn the masterpieces "Trust" and "Betrayal" are well worth my time. I'm yet to see anything that can touch the action scenes in these OVAs.

I hoping for Naruto too, though I assume we'll be bombarded with the Naruto franchise all at once (including the TV series, fingers crossed). I was just imagining what it would be like if some kind of Naruto OVAs were produced ala "Trust" and "Betrayal". Like the backstory of Kakashi or something, it would be marvelous.