New Sweatdrop podcast offers advice to UK manga artists


Ghost of Animes
The UK-based comic artists at <a href="">Sweatdrop Studios</a> have dropped us a line to announce the latest episode of their fledgling audio podcast. Hosted by published artists like Sonia Leong, it's an hour-long look at the UK manga scene and in light of the looming deadline for TokyoPop's UK Rising Stars of Manga competition, provides a number of useful hints and tips for budding artists looking to make a competitive impact (several members of Sweatdrop have picked up competition prizes from TokyoPop, meaning their advice is backed up with solid experience). You can <a href="">directly download the Sweatdrop podcast mp3</a> (14.6MB) from their web server, or if you would rather, subscribe via iTunes (<a href="">more information in press release</a>).
I definitely recommend listening to this by the way, especially if you're into\interested in the UK side of manga. I'm not a comic artist, but I'm sure their advice and experiences are quite invaluable if you're looking to make a go of it. Also, unlike most fan-produced podcasts, it's not exactly a awkward or ear-splitting, which helps.