What brings you back to a film?


Hi there,

After watching a couple of films recently that I hadn't in a while, I started thinking about why certain films are rewatchable and others aren't. For myself, I've come to the conclusion, that it's the depth of characterisation and the atmosphere the film generates, that brings me back. A good plot is entertaining, but once you know what it is there's no shock/discovery value to it anymore.

A good case in point for me is Eva Rebuild 2. When I first saw it in 2009 I was so excited and watched it 3 times in a row. Now though, it just doesn't do anything for me, because I know the main plot twists and they're just not interesting anymore. However I can still watch End Of Eva, and still get a lot out of it, because although I know the plot (such as it is), it does have that level of characterisation and engaging atmosphere that draws me in.

Anyways, what is that brings you back to a particular film?