A question about Doctor Who (the new series)

Invisible Crane

So last year I finally decided to watch Doctor Who since I went a long time knowing about it but never actually watching an episode. I started with the classic series but find myself unable to watch the newer series (exception being the Tenth Doctor episode "School Reunion"). And I've noticed that ever since the Eleventh Doctor came on it seems to me that Amy Pond (the companion) got more attention and practically took over the show.

Granted I know Amy ain't on the show anymore but I have the impression that the new companion Clara is going to steal the spotlight from the Doctor again. Am I the only one bothered by this?.
No. The companions are our POV so it makes sense that we see glimpses of the doctor through other characters perceptions. There's a good balance at the moment between the doctor and the companions, it keeps his character more mysterious as he should be.
I just caught up with the new series and I admit that I enjoy the Pond's retirement. The new companion so far has been a bit interesting, but since the Ponds, I've been a bit reluctant on the overexposure of the companions too.