Afro Samurai, London, Tuesday 5th June *Updated Info*


Completely Average High School Student
Afro Samurai (Screening)
Tuesday 5th June 2007
KLT (Khalili Lecture Theatre)
Russell Square Campus
SOAS University

All welcome! Further Details

Hope to see you there :)
Whats this exactly about, i looked at the link. . . no help!

I'm guessing its a day of watching the whole series of Afro Samurai.

Meh, not that i would go, but I'll give it a miss.
Just got the official flier from the academic Japan Society. There will be 2 episodes of Afro Samurai being screened, followed by a talk from executive producer Arthur Smith (president of GDH International) and a Q&A session.

For those not familiar with the storyline:

Deep in the badlands of a mashed up world of samurai meets ghetto sci-fi, a young child sees his father, the Number One samurai, cut down by a man named Justice. As the thought of revenge burns inside Afro, he changes from innocent child to vengeful warrior, hell bent on finding the man who rolled his father's severed head in the dust before him. Afro battles to find the Number One headband - not for its power, but for a final, bloody showdown with Justice.

Tuesday June 5th
Khalili Lecture Theatre
Russell Square Campus
SOAS University

All Welcome (please note Afro Samurai is only suitable for viewers over 15)