American animation Broken Saints coming to the UK soon


Ghost of Animes
While it's not anime, Fox Entertainment will soon be releasing the acclaimed American animation anthology Broken Saints in the UK on the 21st of August. If you're interested, take a look at the press release below and look out for an article spotlighting Broken Saints coming to Anime UK News soon.<ul class="menu">"In today’s age of technology, the only limit to imagination is the vastness of imagination itself. With Broken Saints, writer/director Brooke Burgess and his small team of self-taught mavericks almost single-handedly transformed their creative vision into a strange and beautiful narrative reality… a Flash-animated graphic novel epic that transcends its roots on the Web to become one of the most celebrated cult masterpieces of the digital era. Told in byte-size installments over the course of three years, the entire 24-episode Broken Saints saga is now assembled in a comprehensive four-disc collector’s set DVD."</ul><a href="">Click here to read more.</a> now have this listed as coming with an exclusive comic book, I'm guessing the one that was/is/has been given away at some Expo in the US and soon to be available to buy.