Anime Hair !


I want a new hairstyle and im bored of the usual hairstyles that i get because they are so common -_-

So i was looking at anime hairstyles, of course im avoiding the anti-gravity effects but here are two im considering

like Nodoka from Negima or a Hime cut like Sango from Inuyasha or Yuko from xxxholic

Any suggestions would be much appreciated as im finding it hard to find websites that will help me :( and please post pics !!

I have hair that comes about 10 inches below my shoulders (just below my armpits)
Just give a Picture/DVD/Manga to you're hairdresser, they should cut it and style it to what you want.

I'm planning on doing that soon with Raito's hair.
Damn, I could do with an anime haircut too. The UK should have a salon dedicated to making anime haircuts a reality.

Nodoka looks cool, I agree.
Cheeky said:
Damn, I could do with an anime haircut too. The UK should have a salon dedicated to making anime haircuts a reality.

Nodoka looks cool, I agree.

ONE salon, we need a few; and it would also cost a fortune, with all the hair high quality hair dye that would needed to be used; and of course the stylizing products once the dye has been put into place.
I like the Sango look!! 8D
I went in with a volume of MagicalX Miracle, showed her pictures of Viegalds hair style and asked for that, it came out perfectly! I think it just depends more on the hairdressers willingness to cut it like that, then anything else @_@
Nodoka simply just to see how you manage getting that bit on top to stand up :p
No seriously I like the Nodoka look although its your hair and your choice.
I would love to be able to get an anime hair style, but it'd take A LOT of gel as my hair goes curly if I let it grow too long
How many of you remember 'Manga Head?' :D


Doberman Pharaoh said:
butch-cassidy said:
How many of you remember 'Manga Head?' :D



Remember it!? I still use that stuff!

me too! :p

I tell you what though,its great having an anime style,but colour is another story.It really messes your hair up.In May i bleached and then dyed my hair pink which really made it dry.Just had to do a treatment on it to make it all nice and soft again.

I wouldnt change my hair right now though,i like it black and messy :D