UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

UPS has just informed me my copy of Gundam NT was mistakenly delivered to Narnia

(Ok, not really, but there's certain expectations on my deliverys with them.)
This eve I pulled out time of eve to watch with my fiancee and having not seen it before, looked at the back to read what it's about with my fiancée but the text on the back is an utter waste of time and space o_O.

There's not a single line explaining what it's all about just a load of "this is so great, super popular, kickstarter success" its exactly the kind of thing you'd pick up & then put straight back down & dismiss instore if you didn't already know about it.

I'm guessing it didn't have any kind of general release?
Spent day waiting. UPS never came. Didn't update tracking until very late in the day to say "Maybe Monday?"

Such a reliable courier...
Spent day waiting. UPS never came. Didn't update tracking until very late in the day to say "Maybe Monday?"

Such a reliable courier...
My UPS said they tried to deliver and will try again Monday. I don’t think they did try as my mum was in and she didn’t hear anyone knock.
I really wish AL would stop using them. One of the local drivers admitted to me last time they prioritise business and fit in residential deliveries if they have time.

I've had UPS not show up, deliver to wrong address, lie I wasn't in and get a bollocking from supervisors when I've phoned up to correct this, etc. They really aren't a good courier for residential addresses. I had a tracked item by Royal Mail earlier this week and it came date and time they promised.

Was considering ordering the Live Love import set but screw it if it means yet another round of this. These aren't cheap releases and then you have the 'fun' of if UPS can be arsed to deliver them!
Yeah a big advantage of AMZ JP for me is they use DHL who I’ve never had a complaint about. Like even tax UPS make you ring up if you want to use card (last time at least) DHL gives you to the info prior to even landing in uk So I could pay online and not even get it delayed, no one else does that I’ve noticed.
I've had a problem with most couriers but UPS and DHL are the worst. DHL are why I stopped shopping with Amazon Japan as they'd mess me around and then tell me I was not the customer, Amazon Japan was (yes, seriously). The capper being when I had something come as a student...and the driver decided to accuse me of lying about that, insisting I was instead a benefit cheat using my ill gotten money to import stuff.

I really have terrible experiences with couriers.
I've had a problem with most couriers but UPS and DHL are the worst. DHL are why I stopped shopping with Amazon Japan as they'd mess me around and then tell me I was not the customer, Amazon Japan was (yes, seriously). The capper being when I had something come as a student...and the driver decided to accuse me of lying about that, insisting I was instead a benefit cheat using my ill gotten money to import stuff.

I really have terrible experiences with couriers.

I hope you reported them for that. I would not have let that one slide.
I've had a problem with most couriers but UPS and DHL are the worst. DHL are why I stopped shopping with Amazon Japan as they'd mess me around and then tell me I was not the customer, Amazon Japan was (yes, seriously). The capper being when I had something come as a student...and the driver decided to accuse me of lying about that, insisting I was instead a benefit cheat using my ill gotten money to import stuff.

I really have terrible experiences with couriers.

can i have some :p

the nerve of them tho