Are CD wow legit??

You're right more likely than not, but they do have an Australian age rating on them, and once through my travels on the Internet, I did find this...

X The TV Series on 3, count them, 3 DVDs. Legit release as well.

From what I can see, Moribito hasn't been released in Region 4, while Scrapped Princess is a 6 disc release from Madman.
I have found quite a few sites seem to sell suspicious DVDs along side genuine stuff. And I have seen several British Anime site that pretty much only sell dodgy looking items.

You won't hear this from me often because piracy is piracy in any form, if people are considering buying bootlegs just download instead as organised crime does not get a cut of that if you paid nothing.
Agree that the original items have got to be fakes. Removed the links just in case some less noble folks see them and don't think about the reason for the price ;)

I have never used CD Wow but always heard good things. After seeing that I don't think I will try them, though.

I have bought a lot of dvds from cdwow that have been 100% genuine although in this case certainly not.

I think if they knew they were fake they wouldn't have shown them. So they should be aware now and cancel that particular supplier of fake dvds.
Looking over CDWOW's site it looks like they deal with DVDs from many regions and companies. So unless everyone in the buying department's knowledge is up to date on known bootleg companies or they have their suspicions, something may get through.

As a general spotting anime/manga bootlegs and counterfeits article this one at seems to be pretty thorough. Going into DVDs, CDs, books, figures and clothing. Also unlike most of these I have seen it has a list of common DVD bootleg companies which should help if everything else seems to be good.
I've only bought one DVD from CDWOW and it was a volume of Desert punk for my girlfriends birthday (she loves it) so I wouldn't have accepted a fake. They mainly sell official stuff from what I can tell but clearly they messed up. Anyway I was pleased with them.
CD WOW's reply...

"Hello Paul,
Thank you for your email.
Please be informed that we only deal with legitimate products.
If you have any further queries then please do not hesitate to contact us."

So this tells us nothing... Shall i buy one then take them to court?
Can't see the link anymore, but it's not from Singapore or somewhere is it? I seem to remember they get official releases very cheap (but also low quality on small numbers of discs or more often, VCD). See:

I can't think a large retailer like them would actually try to pass bootlegs off as the real thing... it could have pretty severe repercussions for them if true, and CDWOW have run into trouble in the past even selling legitimate imports.
I've bought from CD Wow before and my experience was all right, good price and definitely legitimate stuff.
As Ayase said, I doubt they would sell bootlegs, but it is possible they could have got this wrong.
The problem with importing from some of the Asian countries is that the DVDs come from legitimate companies with rights to distribute in those countries, but they don't always have the rights to everything on those discs like English Dubs and Subs they have ripped from say an official US release. The laws in many of those countries mean they have not done anything wrong there and they are free to distribute there, but when they export the DVDs grey areas open up and international laws come into play. So technically they may not be bootlegs, but maybe not all the rights owners have given their permission for their properties to be used or are getting paid.

As to that email what company is going to own up to doing something dodgy like selling bootlegs.