Attempt to make fansubs legal by IAD


Stand User
According to ANN, International Anime Distribution (IAD) has outlined their intentions to work with Japanese companies, American licensors and fansubbing groups to make the distribution of anime fansubs legal. IAD intend to provide a pay per episode download service similar to Itunes for subtitled anime. No other information has been announced as of yet, but their websites can be found here, and here.
My opinion on this isn't very favourable really. I wouldn't pay to watch an episode of a show I really new nothing about other than bits of information on Japanese sites. With licensed shows I can see the point in this more. Personally I would like to think most of the exsisting fansubs groups are in it as they are fans, not because of the money and wouldn't want to support such an enterprise at all.
I'm not too keen on this idea either. It suggests to me that it would destroy the current fansub industry by starting lawsuits against the free fansubbers, which sort of makes fansubs superflous. I hope this doesn't succeed, and as Mangaminx said the fansubbing groups hold out against this, which would damage their access to fansubbed anime as well.
it seems to be a case of the companies exhibiting a 'if you can't beat them, join them' attitude. what they don't seem to realise is that many people download fansubs just to see if they like an unlicenced show or not. a better way would be to distribute episodes for free, except they only do this for the first ep or two: that would cater for the 'download to preview' market. ADV have already made a step in the right direction with the launch of their Bittorrent site, but this idea is pretty bad news.
Mangaminx said:
Personally I would like to think most of the exsisting fansubs groups are in it as they are fans, not because of the money and wouldn't want to support such an enterprise at all.
^what she said. if they have been suppliying the unlicenced material for free so far, let's hope they continue to do so.
A.I.D. looks very amateurish to me! It's almost like a fansub distribution company that got a little annoyed with BitTorrent for taking the money for fansubs away from them! You have to remember that back in the day of fansub distribution, places like that could sell anime to you for a small profit, plus there was this elitism about being a fansub distributor. Now, of course, anyone can download fansubs for free (and even now I find this idea fascinating, no longer do I have to pay $50 to buy things like Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne from a distributor!!).
It also sounds like they are trying to create an anime fansub monopoly to me. I mean one of those 2 sites has the name subs4sale.

I like things the way they are and personally can't see this happening anyway. There must be 200+ fansubbing groups and I can't see them giving up something they love for an idea created by some egotists at A.I.D. :lol:
It's no different really from finding fansubs for licensed anime (Naruto for example), there will always be someone willing to continue long after they should :wink:
I like things the way they are also, theres just no point in changing it, someones just annoyed they arn't making money out of it.
The whole thing would just make everything more difficult, i'm sure most users of fansubs would be against this, so really they are just doing it for themselves.
I think if this did go ahead it would just cause more trouble, it might end up meaning that people who do continue to watch free fansubs will end up being in more trouble if they are caught, and if i like a series enough to watch the whole thing i will probably want to buy it when i have the chance, and i don't want to pay for a series twice
I think that its pretty pointless, If im going to pay for it then I'll just wait for it to come out on dvd, and making fansubs illegal will stop the majority of groups but there will still be quite a few that continue to sub anime.
Ramen89 said:
I think that its pretty pointless, If im going to pay for it then I'll just wait for it to come out on dvd, and making fansubs illegal will stop the majority of groups but there will still be quite a few that continue to sub anime.

Fansubs are already illegal. They exist in a grey area where they are nominally acceptable mostly because the Japanese owners do not press the case against them and to a lesser extent some loopholes that exist in UK law (and perhaps elsewhere in the world).

I can definitely see that this could have a negative effect on the licencing of certain shows by Western distributors. Companies will be less willing to distribute a show that is already (or has been) available via other legal channels since people are likely to be unwilling to pay twice for an anime. I think this factor of "making the show attractive to foreign licensors" is one of the prime factors as to why the Japanese do not put English subtitles on more of their shows. Ghibli out of all of the major Japanese producers/distributors are among the very few who regularly put English subtitles on their anime DVDs.

On the other hand it could work in favour of the industry, providing a useful marketing tool that would indicate to licensors which shows they may want to invest in, which is something that fansubs do to an extent at the moment.
I just think the whole thing is the most stupid idea in the world, not only are they spoiling the fansub 'industry' for anime fans who dl anime to show their interest, then companies find what anime series' are popular then liscence them, they are just goign to ruin everything. Stop them lol! :x

And that site is so aweful my 10 year old sister could do a better job.

Please don't make me see anything like that again, i will have mental scars for the rest of my life :cry: