Casshan: Robot Hunter (SPOILERS)


Completely Average High School Student
Just got through watching Casshan. I have to say, I enjoyed it quite a bit. It wasn't exactly a masterpiece, and it has its flaws, but it was entertaining enough.

I haven't seen the original 70's series, but I am a huge fan of the live action Casshern.

There were a few things that could have done with a bit more of an explanation - such as why the Black King put Tetsuya's mothers spirit into a swan - and the plot had its fair share of deus ex machinas, but the action was pretty good, and the orchestral score is spot on.
The final battle between Casshan and the Black King is a fantastic piece of action animation and was a great set-piece finale to the story.

Overall, I give it a 4 out of 5. Slightly flawed, but a damn entertaining way to spend 100 minutes of your life.