Counter Stike

Guyver 0

Great Teacher
I was wondering who on this forum plays it cos i thinkin gabout setting up a game just for users of this forum but i need to know if its worth it
I play it daily, you are talking about the Source version right? I love Counter Strike, I'm off to play it for real this weekend at a shooting/army day
Guyver 0 said:
yea i am talking about source. is that a poblem?

No just checking it was the source version. Just been playing it for about 2 hours god I love the twin pistols and sniper rifle combination
Count me in if you do manage something. Just be aware that I'm prodigiously bad at games that don't involve jumping in circles 40,000 times a minute.
You guys just need to download xfire, then tell us your xfire logon name, mine is mcicy surprisingly. That way if your ever online playing a game anyone else on your list can go straight in and join you rather than having to trawl through lists of servers.

And if theres enough of us we should go in for creating an anime clan
McIcy said:
You guys just need to download xfire, then tell us your xfire logon name, mine is mcicy surprisingly. That way if your ever online playing a game anyone else on your list can go straight in and join you rather than having to trawl through lists of servers.

And if theres enough of us we should go in for creating an anime clan
Ive just added you.
Off topic slightly, but whenever I see the title of this thread, I read it as 'Counter Skikes', & then I think of hundreds of Skikeses running around with guns.

Well, it amused me. ^^;
Guyver 0 said:
yea your name is darren right? just so i know i have the right person

Yeah thats me, saw you on there last night but I got home way too late to play, will definately be on there tonight though
Mutsumi said:
Off topic slightly, but whenever I see the title of this thread, I read it as 'Counter Skikes', & then I think of hundreds of Skikeses running around with guns.

Well, it amused me. ^^;

Yes that is off-topic............................ lol