Ex-Manga employees create a new company named Animatsu

antonusklesk said:
non-compete arrangement
Huh. Never heard of that before, how is that even legal? By it's very nature it's anti-competetive, which surely when applied to private companies breaks some sort of cartal / monopoly rules? And how the Hell do you enforce anything on someone who no longer works for you? What a load of sh*te. You should absolutely be able to work for a company, steal all their information that isn't protected by copyright law and then set up in competition. That's capitalism.
antonusklesk said:
Surely if Jerome's contract was up to scratch he'll have a 6 month non-compete arrangement in there, no? If this is the case then he shouldn't be even talking to anyone or any business that he's dealt with while working for Manga.

That being said, I've seen plenty of situations where I'd assume this was the case, only for there to be nothing of the sort in place. Only time will tell as we'll have an indication based on their first licenses and their time-frames.

6 months of Geneon releases! I can live with that... We know that Manga didn't work with Geneon Universal, they also have never worked with Nozomi Ent although Manga US hosted Right Stuf videos on Youtube, but as we've often been told, Manga UK ain't Manga US. Six months can fly by, and as previously stated, All the Anime existed for about a year before it started releasing.

Also, Animatsu's mission statement is a lot more encompassing that just anime, they mention social media, Youtube and videogames as well.
Just Passing Through said:
Also, Animatsu's mission statement is a lot more encompassing that just anime, they mention social media, Youtube and videogames as well.

I would assume they'll try and release Red vs Blue and RWBY from Roosterteeth like Hanabee does over in Australia.
ayase said:
antonusklesk said:
non-compete arrangement
Huh. Never heard of that before, how is that even legal? By it's very nature it's anti-competetive, which surely when applied to private companies breaks some sort of cartal / monopoly rules? And how the Hell do you enforce anything on someone who no longer works for you? What a load of sh*te. You should absolutely be able to work for a company, steal all their information that isn't protected by copyright law and then set up in competition. That's capitalism.

Its actually quite normal, and while I disagree with them myself on many levels, they are necessary for many companies to implement. They can actually put anything they want into a contract, it just depends whether it would hold up in court should a disagreement result over it. For example, if there's one in place, Manga could take ex employees to court for violation if they believed the employees broke an element of the contract. Something like 6 months working in the UK in direct competition with Manga, dealing with the same licensors might hold up, especially due to the small nature of the market and limited companies in the market. Whereas it is unlikely to hold up outside of the UK despite the contract wording not specifying a geographical limit.

It's hypothetical of course but these agreements are very important, especially among the higher ranking employees in a business.
Yup, it's why employees often have to take gardening leave when switching companies - to ensure this kind of 'using their contacts etc.' thing doesn't happen.

In practice though, it's never that simple, because as long as it can't be proved, they can easily be working behind the scenes on stuff - eg. setting up meetings and 'informal' discussions, only to then finally seal the deal once the gardening leave is over.
If this means they'll be able to release NTSC discs, then hell yes. I'm intrigued to see what they come out with. I'm less interested in the social stuff, I just want my anime.
Well I wasn't expecting to read that. Sounds quite interesting although I'm not really sure what to expect from the new company.

Or Manga for that matter seeing how long Jerome has been there.
In my experience Starz has been more of a hinderance than any help and this looks more like them jumping ship salvaging what they can before she gets scuttled. :wink: