Have a playfire or other gaming site list?


Student Council President
(I did a search for both playfire and IGN with no results so apologies if there actually was a thread it did not find, as I know no other list sites.)

Does anyone have a video games list anywhere? I figured since you all have MAL lists you may also make lists for other things. Mmm lists. :p

I personally use Playfire as I found it much more convenient to update and make different types of lists than IGN which I previously used. The only downer is IGN has reviews while Playfire is user uploaded content so usually does not. Playfire can also do a collection comparison similar to what MAL does. Though if anyone knows one better than that I might be up for a switch. ^_^

My Playfire
Eh? Where in the world do you get that idea?
*points at* MGS series, various point and click adventures, Portal, Halo, Starcraft, etc etc.

In any case, I play what makes me happy, if that turns out to be mainly RPG's, meh. ;)

Overview (genre breakdown) :p
Chrono Mizaki said:
Well, I just joined up now =P

Also, why is it that you uphold the myth that Girls only play JRPGs? =/
And puzzle games. But not three-dimensional ones or ones about parallel parking obviously.

Rating Sonic the Hedgehog 2 with three stars? I have this strange feeling that my childhood has been coarsely insulted. I'm only still talking to you because you appear to hate Halo. Well done.
Just noticed this after it was bumped and well, ten minutes later here I am.

I just went through the list it gave me to start with and picked out the first 50 I've played for now. The interface is a bit shiny though, I can't even see how to put games in my "what I'm playing" list...

Edit: Never mind, I found the little buttons at the side.
I find it silly to nitpick others opinion of a game or anime. Sonic is not particularly enjoyable for me despite my obsession with it/the character as a child, I couldn't beat the games when I was little, I completed it when I was 24. If it bothers you so much then don't talk to me. :p

Ayase - For putting games in what I'm playing you need to click the controller icon in the edit game pop-up. Favorites are the heart. And the dollar sign to say you own it.
Geez, this forum needs some kind of introductions agency to avoid conflict. Since I've done it for Aion I might as well continue...

Nyani, meet Kupo. She can be somewhat caustic but is a Charlie Brooker fan so if you just imagine everything she says being delivered in a similar 'hate-filled but amusing' manner and you won't take offence.

Y'know what we need? A 'usual suspects' line-up thread where the foibles of all our regulars are listed for new members to see. Perhaps with a 'typical post' or quote from each. Perhaps even by us ourselves, like 'AUKNers Anonymous'.


Cheers for the heads up, I found the buttons. Just presume I own everything, I can't be bothered to go ticking that box on 95% of the games I list...
I have no clue who Charlie Brooker is Ayase. :p So that didn't help. :p

If you put a person breakdown I suppose I would be: "generally calm and good natured wishing for everyone to just accept eachother, but with potential to be enraged if this is defied" :p
You need to start watching Screenwipe, then, Nyani... His most mainstream work, I suppose, was E4's Dead Set. He also writes for The Guardian on a Monday, IIRC. Also, now I'm reading Kupo's posts in that manner and its hilarious. I've never even contemplated Brooker being such a Final Fantasy fan. He should do a Gameswipe dedicated especially to Enix. So much material to work with...
Jayme - Ah, I don't have a tv, can't afford the whole license thing etc etc. And I don't read papers. So I'd not have encountered anything involving him.
In any case, a 3 from me isn't that bad on a 1-5 scale. My favorite 2d fighter (Night Warriors) is a 3. I work more on a scale of: did i like this when I played? yes, ok then gets atleast a 3, do I desperately want to replay this(the day I did all my ratings, generally long after completion since loads of these were in the 90's/early 2k's).
I think of 3= good, 4 = really good, 5 = even better.
As mentioned in my intro post, I find it hard to rate things on a number scale. I prefer to just state if I liked something or didn't like it. :p But Sonic didn't really entertain me much at 24, despite having gone out of my way to collect everything possible Sonic related in my childhood (including all the Archie Sonic comics, the ones related to the cartoon series involving the freedom fighters).
Speaking of ratings, I thought I'd rated everything but then when I went back to approve your friend reqest the ratings had disappeared. :x
I can't even remember how to rate tbh. But I think you have to click save everytime you rate. That's probably part of why I have less things rated than I have in total on my lists. :p I also don't know if there's any way to change the rating you've given, which will be a pain for me on games that I didn't like initially and dropped, then finish up later and potentially like it a bit more than I had. Eheh.
Maxon said:
ayase said:
Added both of you.



I honestly think I could end up with over a thousand games on that list. That's impressive, but also slightly scary.
I don't think I'll remember everything I've ever played, especially when it comes to NES and SNES, whether I don't remember the name or just can't remember actually playing something.

Yea, before I only listed games I completed, own, or am playing. But late last night I started slowly trying to remember stuff I've merely played since now they've got a way to seperate that from the other categories. :) Though just like with some anime from forever ago, I can't remember the name of some games. :/