Heeey! Lookin' good!"

I think we can all agree that FF8 suffered massively by ignoring Quistis, Selphie and Irvine and focusing on Rinoa, who by rights should have died (although Squall wasn't too painful).
FF8 Is the best game and u no it! The characters have there own Personality unlike FF7 and also FF8 has a great battle system very easy to master. The storyline is Good and the Graphics r Better and The FMVs are Pretty..Oooooo

And i think Rinoa And Squall Should both Die.

Coz Selphie, irvine, Zell, Quistis, Seifer, Laguna aNd Edea Rule!
ohh...thats sounds alright...i prefer FFX though....cause it was the first final fantasy game i owned....it has rikku in it..she rules...and the FMV's and graphics are very good.
Hi Selphie!! *Waves madly* (soz its a bit late)
Lol, I'm glad a lot of people love FF too. It makes me feel *kinda* normal about my obsession with it. ^__^
Shades is right though. FFVII rocks! Can't wait for advent children! Sephy has to be one of the most beautiful bishies ever. And the story is ace too.

Soz about off-topicness! P.s. Have fun in the forums, Selphie!