Heroes of Newerth.




So... What is Heroes of Newerth?

Well Heroes of Newerth is a kind of rts/rpg/idontevenknowhowtoclassifythis game where you play online versus other players.

The game is currently in OPEN BETA for anyone who is interested in playing it is free. When the game goes retail it will cost 30$.

HoN, as it is commonly abbreviated is a game which came around when a bunch of DotA (defense of the Ancients) fans though, hey lets remake this game with it's own engine better graphics and whatnot. Many of the Heroes you find ingame are 'ports' from DotA but S2Games, the company in charge of HoN, are implementing alot of new heroes of their own.

I have played the game for quite a while now, i started in closed beta when a friend of mine sent me an invite and i was like what the heck lets check it out.

The game is currently in build with the test client for 0.3.4 going to be available on their IRC channel later today.

If you liked DotA or LoL (League of Legends) or are just looking for something new to play i wholehartedly recommend this game. The community for HoN can be pretty harsh towards new players at times but as long as you check out the newly implemented tutorial and mainly play nostats or practice mode games till you feel you are ready then you should be fine. The S2Games staff are really great guys as they always listen to the community and implement fixes ASAP. Another point about the HoN community is that people who get owned rage on the forums, ignore them.

Check out some Youtube video's or their forums page

If anyone is interested in this game and decides to download it then add me ingame, my nick as you may have guessed is Kirrimir.

(If you see people on the forums or ingame with a golden name and a shield next to it then they are closed beta pre-orderers like myself. The shield/gold name/ability to taunt is no longer available.)