Hi everybody!


School Idol
Hi everybody!

Nice to meet you all! I really love this site. I used to be on Animesuki forum, but they were rude to me so I quit there...hope to chat about anime and enjoy stuff!

from AUTUMN (Location: London)
hi there! thanks for your words in my welcome thread!
so yeah us snewbies should stick together lol

so have u seen the love hina anime or the manga? As the mangas around 100 times better than the anime
Love Hina

Yep I love Love Hina anime because it was less H. Usually I'll read the manga and not watch the anime, or vice versa, usually not both.
Evening, cercia, these are the rather splendid forums, and we won't bite like those at animesuki.

Join our IRC channel for a more lethal injection of insanity, plus some real time discussion about various things, now and again including anime.

Ah, Wolf's Rain. :D Nice to see another fan of such an excellent show on the forums.
Welcome to the forum :D

Also i've only really browsed the Animesuki forum myself, but i know what you mean about rudeness, i think that seems to go for most bigger forums

Can u believe it, the rude person didn't identify himself/herself, just took offence in a post, something about AIR not being hentai..? I basically said AIR doesn't have a violent, traditionally "insane" plot like other animes and the other guy took offence for some reason, it was sad...anyway, Animesuki is great for DL so I won't diss them too badly :>

Yeah, Wolf's Rain actually has a very good dub, did u know that, Chomolungma-san? Toboe sounds great! Plus on disk 1 (US ver.) there is a group interview with 4 shy, bowing seiyuu-senseis!
Sry for the late welcome, just catching up on them all :shock:

Welcome to the foums, u won't get any rudeness from any of us in here :p