I'm scared...

lol, and yelp. This guy seemed a little... off, when he started posting. I would start by making sure any of your info on here is hidden, at the very least. If that's your real email addy or whatever, go into your profile options and make it not public or remove it.
A reasonable series of questions delivered one at a time, delivered in a single sentence is less encouraging, I agree with ilmae, just make prvate anything that could I.D. you.

Those are pretty vague details so it's not likely anything would come of it provided you're careful.
What the hell you lot are talking about? I'm deciding what to wear. This is the first time I have got some real attention.

I don't get how he thinks I'm south asian though.
Ammish said:
So what do I do?
Catch the red and white free bus that cycles around the city. Stay on it until suspicions are raised by the driver. When they are, wait outside Forster Square station until another one arrives.

Take a picture of someones face (could even be the busmans) wear it as a mask. become a doppleganger and then attempt to convince the driver he's a fake.