is fanservice a killer?

Do you like fanservice in you anime or not?

  • yes, I love a serie with fanservice, whats the point in watching a serie without there being half na

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I like fanservice as long as it dose not get in the way od the story.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I dont really noticed fanservice so i dont really care if it has it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I try to avoild serie which have alot of fanservice in it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I hate fanservice, any serie that has fanservice is evil and i refuse to watch it. I find it offensi

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Stand User
When watching a anime serie do you think that fanserive is a good thing or do you think it kills the series.

make your votes?
i went for
"I like fanservice as long as it dose not get in the way od the story."

i like fanservice as long as the whole serie is not about fanservice and it dont get in the way of the story line.
I tend to avoid it. I don't really like it at all, but if it's in a series I would otherwise like, I can bare it so long as it's not everywhere like a horrid fanservice plague...
It honestly doesn't affect me at all. Sure it may add to the "entertainment" value for some people but I don't really notice it. I could live without it but sometimes, I guess, I wan't to know what some of the girls look like and sometimes it adds to the comical value (Love Hina, for example). If it's done for no reason like on Eva, for example, there's no point really as it's just for perverts to see young girls with no/a small amount of close on.

So I went with "I don't really noticed fanservice so I don't really care if it has it."
i don't mind it i suppose. if it's part of the humour of the show i don't really mind it but if the story is built around gratuitous pantie/cleavage shots it just gets boring.
Although my feelings are closer to the third option, I went for the second. Although I don't really like it or look out for it, it's not that I don't notice fanservice, just that I don't let it put me off a series even if there is quite a lot of it (such as Najica). If there's even a mildly interesting story or set of characters, then I'll check out the show anyway, fanservice or not.
Decided to vote for the second option here. Can't say I don't notice fanservice , in certain shows its so blatent you would have to be blind not too. Certainly dosent get to me or make me think any less of the show if the charecters or plot are entertaining.
It's rare that I enjoy an anime series with too much emphasis on fan-service. It's not that I specifically dislike it, but it usually appears in series that are perhaps lacking in other areas (like story depth and character development) and not to mention generic school-boy fodder.

The majority of my favourite series from Escaflowne to Berserk, Wolf's Rain and Monster contain little-to-no fan-service. And although I do count Cowboy Bebop as another big favourite, the obvious presence Faye Valentine conveys a lot more feeling than your typical busty female character.
I went for the one second to the bottom.
An anime containing alot of fanservice wouldn't completely put me off, but it does discourage me some what, as i don't find getting glimpses of girls underwear and alike particularly appealing. I've actually been slightly put of getting Kiddy Grade for this reason
The problem is typically when they go for fanservice, they make sure you know they're going for fanservice by making it fairly blatant. It just irritates me, and it often seems childish to include it.

I mean, I guess I can just about put up with the stuff they pull of, but it can really break the flow and the style of a good show to all of a sudden have that stuff shoved in your face, you know? I went with option 4. Avoid if possible
I almost went for the bottom option, because I really hate fan service, but I went for the second from bottom, as currently one of my favourite shows is Ichigo 100%, so I'd be a hypocrite if I did go for the last option :lol:
Ordinarily, I will steer clear of a show with any fan service, although the odd panty shot caused by a light breeze, is OK with me and I don't mind the panty shots that were never intended for male titilation, but if a show is riddled with blatant fan service, I find it very off putting.
Oddly enough, I was considering making a thread like this the other day. So I may as well just respond to this one.

I like fan service in moderation. The odd attractive girl doesn't do any harm as far as I'm concerned, and the right outfit can do plenty to improve this. I object to the idea that skimpier is always better, but I guess that's just personal taste.

When it starts to get silly, however, it annoys me. Having girls constantly wearing no more than underwear and the like is distracting at best. And if it comes as a welcome distraction, then I can't be liking the show much. I don't like it when they don't make any effort to make the fan service subtle, like with random shots of boobs and pants. Unless it's funny, of course, which isn't that often.
That is true, when i first voted i did think about that, but since mostly fanservice is contained to mainly the female gender, and since i've not watched much anime where male fanservice was used for the sake of it, i thought i'd still go for the option i did
I dont mind fanservice. I mean, if you go out of your way to avoid it youll be missing out on practically every anime out there :p
"I like fanservice as long as it does not get in the way of the story"

Yeah I mean the number of times I've watched a 26 episode series only to find that I don't know what it's about at the end because I've been looking at all the panties :lol:. Fanservice is funny when it is used sparingly but when there are boobs and panty shots all over the place it dilutes the effect. How can you not like a bit of fanservice though? :wink: