minamicon 2006

It's definitely tempting - especially the Karaoke contest! The only problem I have is the waiting list and paying a fortune to become a member, then dishing out for the public transport so by the time you get there there's no money left for anything else!
Melainy said:
It's definitely tempting - especially the Karaoke contest! The only problem I have is the waiting list and paying a fortune to become a member, then dishing out for the public transport so by the time you get there there's no money left for anything else!

It's times like these that finance restrictions really suck... I wish I had loads of money, then I'd be happy for sure... lol...
yeah i was pretty lucky with getting a ticket as early as i did. i was just wondering if anybody on the forums was going.
hey, will there be Cosplayers at this Con? I do Photography at University and i wanted for my project to take photos of people dressed up as Anime characters at like bus stops etc. But the project needs to be handed in-in like April, so i'm checking to see if my plan is possible, otherwise i'll think of another idea...and where's south hampton? what's it near??
Well you'll be pleased to know, you wont need to be a member of the con to see the conplayers. Southampton is near.......Southampton. Its a city in itself. If you &/or 3nvy are interested in room sharing to save money, let me know.
i'd have taken up the offer mutsumi but i'm stayin at a friends place about 10 minutes from the con. maybe i'll meet you at the con
ahhhh i can't go, i hear South Hampton's 5 hours away from here, and my mum doesn't want me going there, i'll just have to wait till May and go to the Expo :(
Imp said:
ahhhh i can't go, i hear South Hampton's 5 hours away from here, and my mum doesn't want me going there, i'll just have to wait till May and go to the Expo :(

You're location says 'London', Southampton's just an hour and a half max down the M3.

I'm not going to the actual con, but I live locally if you guys wanted to hook up for some drinks or something?
Mr.Cow, how do you fancy meeting up at the Southampton Novotel where the convention is located, & hanging out for a while? The bar is open to all & there is McDong's across the carpark. There is also Saturday afternoon, if you fancy a little shopping? I'd definately recommend seeing the hotel, & the many cosplayers within. XD Bring a camera!