Namco X Capcom.


School Idol
Does anybody know if Namco X Capcom is to be released in the UK? Apparently it isn't going to be released in the US, but I just wanted to know about here.
It looks so amazing!

If it's not getting released in the US, it's not getting released here. Partly because there won't be an availible English translation, partly because US sales are normally used to gauge what gets released here and what doesn't. Sorry!
The issues preventing this game coming out in the US may well be related to all the different properties in it, which are going to cause almost as many problems here - characters whose game rights may be owned by dozens of different companies in this part of the world :(

It's a shame as it's a great game (if a little easy) and I like crossovers. I have the JP version.

I've always wanted to play this, I love Cross-over games, but I doubt I'll ever get the chance seeing as how Capcom and Namco can't decide who gets the profit if it's released within the West or so I've read.
Hmmmm I see...

I don't think the translation of the game is a problem, because games like Street Fighter, Guilty Gear, DOA and KOF are never translated when released in the west anyway, which is a very good thing! With the exeption of Tekken in which the characters all spoke their own languages anyway which was pretty clever. (But the American dubbing on KOF Maximum Impact and Virtua Fighter were atrocious ¬_¬)

Anyway thanks guys, and I really do hope it is released here eventually. Some games were released here that were not in the US so their may be some little hope.