October 2006 top anime keywords


Ghost of Animes
When it comes to the UK anime community, every month is different and so to provide you with a brief run down of what is currently popular amongst our visitors, below is brief run down of October's top search keywords.<ul class="menu"><b>OCTOBER 2006 ANIME KEYWORDS</b><li>1. "<a href="http://www.animeuknews.net/search_all.php?search=naruto&submitsearch=Site+Search">naruto</a>" (109 searches)</li><li>2. "<a href="http://www.animeuknews.net/search_all.php?search=full+metal+alchemist&submitsearch=Site+Search">full metal alchemist</a>" (104 searches)</li><li>3. "<a href="http://www.animeuknews.net/search_all.php?search=KARAS&submitsearch=Site+Search">KARAS</a>" (100 searches)</li><li>4. "<a href="http://www.animeuknews.net/search_all.php?search=ghost+in+the+shell&submitsearch=Site+Search">ghost in the shell</a>" (84 searches)</li><li>5. "<a href="http://www.animeuknews.net/search_all.php?search=gantz&submitsearch=Site+Search">gantz</a>" (64 searches)</li></ul><a href="http://www.animeuknews.net/search_all.php?search=naruto&submitsearch=Site+Search">Read more...</a>
3 of the top 5 are from Manga Ent. - KARAS is the surprise for me, within vocal communities (like this one) virtually no one talks about it but it must really appeal to the casual buyers. Then again, it is a very pretty "sci-fi" kung fu story!
WTFDaveMustaine said:
The top 5 are pretty much the same everytime. Gantz is still an odd one though..
Why is Gantz so odd. It is violent and bloody, which probably attracts a lot of people to it.