One Piece rescued by FUNimation; new version starting at 144


Ghost of Animes
In a surprise announcement last night, FUNimation confirmed that they have picked up (some would say rescued) One Piece from 4Kids and intend to start producing the show with a new dub and the original musical soundtrack as soon as possible. Due to time constraints, FUNimation's version of the show will begin at episode 144 (Jaya arc, Japanese episode count), though they intend to eventually re-work all the 4Kids-produced episodes too. Completely uncut DVDs are also said to be forthcoming in the US, though again, these will only start at episode 144. Whether or not the UK will see this newer TV version or DVD release (most likely through Revelation Films) remains to be seen.

Originally, One Piece was licensed by and completely reworked at the behest of 4Kids - entire episodes were removed, dead characters never actually died and the original music was replaced by 4Kids electronic revision. FUNimation's version of the show, to the delight of the many One Piece fans in the anime community, promises to be much closer in theme, content and message to the original Japanese version.

Read the full statement from FUNimation, including extended interviews with their executives, over at AnimeOnLine.
*Insert fist pumping here*

FUNimation just became the best company in the world, ever. This is just absolutely fantastic news.
Paul said:
*Insert fist pumping here*

FUNimation just became the best company in the world, ever. This is just absolutely fantastic news.

i've been saying that since Tenchi GXP ^^

good on ya though funi
I've actually asked about the licence over at AoD, as to whether their licence is limitted to North America, or if it covers other english speaking territories as well. If it's the latter you can expect to see released from Revelation Films about three months after the US versions.

Will keep you up to date if I get a reply.
kupoartist said:
Why did they wait this long?
They had to wait for Toei to pull their finger out and sort out its big mistake with 4Kids first. That report say FUNi are asking for suggestions as in what order they should dub the episodes in. Either just start at 144 and go on from there, then dub the first 143 after, or alternate between 144, then 1, then 145, then 2, etc. etc.. I vote for the latter that way they will get the show out on CN and get the first eps out on DVD at relatively the same time. I would guess one will have to go to FUNi's forum and let them know one way, or ta'udder. :wink:
Brilliant news. I actually couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this news at NarutoFan forums earlier. I can't wait to get my hands on uncut One Piece dvds.. Though, I wonder how they will handle the plot holes created by 4kids such as Little Garden/Enies Lobby giants.
OMG yyyyyeeeaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!
Finally a uncut version and maybe a better dub, just when the Skypiea Arc is about to start.
This is like......awsome news!
lets just hope that they start releasing the uncut dvd's from the first episode sometime later on......hopefully.
Finally they are re-releasing One Piece. Brilliant! i hope its released here in the UK, but even if it isn't, still is good to hear.
The only downside, really, is that it is starting so late in the game. It will probably, unless 4Kids give up/are forced to give up their licence of the first 143 episodes, be a couple of years before they can redub the early episodes. Despite loving One Piece to bits I am not particularly thrilled with the idea of starting my collection of the series from episode 144...

Still, it is really good to see this potentially getting the treatment it always deserved.
From the interview though Gawyn it seems like they already have the licence for the entire series including the early eps since they mentioned they could start dubbing/releasing earlier episodes sooner but Toei wants to be able to keep new episodes of the show airing on US TV. They said they would like to do both, the old and the new, but they don't think they could manage the workload right now.

They are still asking what people want and that's encouraging. They may decide to go that extra mile if enough people want it from the start.
Gawyn said:
The only downside, really, is that it is starting so late in the game. It will probably, unless 4Kids give up/are forced to give up their licence of the first 143 episodes, be a couple of years before they can redub the early episodes. Despite loving One Piece to bits I am not particularly thrilled with the idea of starting my collection of the series from episode 144...

Yeah, my favourite "sagas" are probably Arlong Park, Chopper's Arc and R/Logue Town - all of these are included in the first 100 episodes, so we're not likely to actually see them on DVD for a while (if ever). With that said, to simply to own an uncut One Piece DVD with awesome cover art is enough for me right now. That we're even at this point is a miracle in itself, and I'm just delighted more people will get to experience this great story how it was intended to be seen.

Thats..awesome. FINALLY!
Yaay, now I can get DVDs!

I was kinda hoping Viz or Bandai would get it... but, Funi seem to be a popular choice... and I've liked pretty much every dub I've seen from them... I can't wait~~~

Sanji's still stuck with his lollypop though. =/
Well, whatever.

Can't wait to see the cast! ...Luffy's ganna be a hard one to cast, i'd imagen... he has such a..unique voice. XD
Silver said:

Thats..awesome. FINALLY!
Yaay, now I can get DVDs!

I was kinda hoping Viz or Bandai would get it... but, Funi seem to be a popular choice... and I've liked pretty much every dub I've seen from them... I can't wait~~~

Sanji's still stuck with his lollypop though. =/
Well, whatever.

Can't wait to see the cast! ...Luffy's ganna be a hard one to cast, i'd imagen... he has such a..unique voice. XD

hahah yes! Sanji and that damn lolipop XD so annoying.

Anyway,this is great news.I miss Roronoa Zoro <3 Up there as one of my fav characters :p