
Jayme said:
Awesome, This next picture better not take TOO long.

The main reason it took long was finding time to do it, been quite busy lately, I could have done it much quicker otherwise.
And thatnks for the comment.
Outlawstar said:
Jayme said:
Awesome, This next picture better not take TOO long.

The main reason it took long was finding time to do it, been quite busy lately, I could have done it much quicker otherwise.
And thatnks for the comment.
Here, here... Students with part time jobs (like me) dont have total freedom like everyone else ;)
Honestly, they do take us for granted...
sonia_leong said:
That's some really nice colouring and gradients used there, clean and evocative. Nice Fish-eye perspective too ^_^ well done!

Thanks a lot Sonia.
Appreciate it.
Yeah I love pespectives and the fisheye in particular.

Again, thanks
This was going to be a new banner for my blog but am having trouble sizing it, its also the latest stage of a possible charachter desing Im working on, though it probably wont end up being one.
What do you think?
Kurogane said:
Another good piece. =D

Is that done with charcoal etc? or is it digital?

I can't even tell. D:

Nice one.

Its sketched and inked like my normal pieces.
Then I used 6b pencil to shade in, and finally I used the reticulation filter in PS.
I was thinking it would be cool to do a manga like this, give it a different look, Ive actually been meaning to use charcoal for a manga pic.
Cheeky said:
It gives it a nice, gritty 'urban' look - find a story to match and it'd be great! Good to see some more pictures :)
Yep thats exactly what I was going for, as for pics, there will be lots this month all going to plan.
Another charachter Ive been trying to develop recently,
not necesarily to feature in anything, just for practice,sketched in mech pencil, darkened and coloured.

I notice his head looks a bit big for his body, oh well.
Ill post new versions if and when they are done
Great stuff again, but I just realised something I didn't notice on DA, and that is the fact he doesn't have a soul patch thing on the front view. XD