

Magical Girl
I just saw this last night and have to say that it is a brilliant movie.

The story revolves around a science team who have devised a device to allow them to share and interact in dreams with others. The theme, largely set within dreams, coupled with Satoshi Kon's trademark handle on the surreal and bizarre make this a visual delight. The story twists and turns to its conclusion, revealing just enough at any given time to keep the viewer occupied and only revealing itself fully at the climax.

The music was quite reminiscent of Paranoia Agent for me and fit quite well into the overall movie, supplementing the scenes well without detracting from them.

I can definitely recommend this film to most anime fans, especially if they like Satoshi Kon's other work.
If I had known it was gonna on up there I would of made the journey :sad:

But I'm still looking forward to this
I was there! A superb film - easily up to the standard of his previous movies. Did anyone else notice the billboards featuring Tokyo Godfathers et al? Or the Monkey cosplay tribute? As always, cheeky humour mixed in with the mindbending psychological stuff - a brilliant piece of work. Well worth an hour on the train!
Martin said:
I was there! A superb film - easily up to the standard of his previous movies. Did anyone else notice the billboards featuring Tokyo Godfathers et al? Or the Monkey cosplay tribute? As always, cheeky humour mixed in with the mindbending psychological stuff - a brilliant piece of work. Well worth an hour on the train!
Yes I noticed both. Was quite fun to see them and added a nice bit of extra humour :).
desolate soul said:
March cannot come sooner.

I couldn't agree more. This won't just be a good animè film, this won't just be a good Far Eastern film, this will be a good film period. Well, that's the distinct impression I get. :D