Paprika's US theatrical release continues to impress


Ghost of Animes
Paprika, Satoshi Kon's acclaimed latest movie, has found <a href="">modest success at US theatres</a>, becoming the famed director's highest grossing theatrical anime to date (Kon also directed the theatrically released Tokyo Godfathers, Perfect Blue and Millennium Actress).

Having opened in just a few select cinemas on May 25, Paprika (released by Sony Pictures) has gradually expanded into other North American indie theatres and has now taken in an impressive $480,000 - slightly more than Steamboy ($468,867) and just behind genre classics like Ghost in the Shell ($515,905) and Akira ($553,171).

It will be very interesting to see whether or not Paprika can sustain this impressive form into July, given it seems to be surviving through word of mouth and has found an audience outside of the hardcore anime community.
I really want to see this at a cinema, I am praying that our local one decides to run Paprika as its arty film of the week. Hopefully if it does well in the US it will inspire UK cinemas to screen it
It's expanded into further cities just this week too. It'll be amazing if it manages to gross more than Akira!

Incidentally, I'm surprised the Cowboy Bebop Movie did so well. It grossed over a million dollars!
I did manage to watch Paprika at the All-nighter and it definatley something you need to see on a cinema screen.

These results look good. It might convince distributors to release it over here. We do need more non spin-off or Gibli anime in Uk cinemas.
Ice Climber said:
I did manage to watch Paprika at the All-nighter and it definatley something you need to see on a cinema screen.

These results look good. It might convince distributors to release it over here. We do need more non spin-off or Gibli anime in Uk cinemas.
It is already set for a DVD release over here by Sony. It has been passed through the BBFC and is slated for release in September. It has already had cinema showings at several festivals and such (I have seen it twice at the cinema so far and wouldn't say no to a third.) There is a strong possibility that a limited arthouse run of the film will come towards the DVD release date.
McIcy said:
I really want to see this at a cinema, I am praying that our local one decides to run Paprika as its arty film of the week. Hopefully if it does well in the US it will inspire UK cinemas to screen it

You can only dream, mate. Swindon Cineworld and Empire are pretty crap at showing anything remotely interesting. All they care about is bums on seats, so 7 screens out of 10 for James Bond is more their style. I had high hopes for independent films when Empire took over the other Cineworld, as their press release seemed to imply that they would be more diverse, but sadly, I am yet to see this in reality!!!

I hope that the planned Swindon regeneration will introduce a more arty cinema for such releases...but I can't see this somehow :(
I saw Paprika at Birmingham Odeon with my G/F a few months back. Thought it was wonderful and would love to see it again - especially since they seem to keep delaying the DVD release! :)
CitizenGeek said:
The trailer alone for Paprika sold me on Satoshi Kon! So, I've got Tokyo Godfathers and Millenium Actress on the wat from!

You wont be dissapointed.
Tokyo Godfathers may not be to everyones tastees but I personally love it.
Millenium actress is his only work I am yet to see apart from Paprika of course.
The mans a legend.And hes still what?40something.
Theres a lot more to come from him yet.
IMO Millennium Actress is his best but while Paprika isn't up to that standard, it's still a brilliantly imaginative and entertaining film - it deserves to be doing well. You're right about Kon being a legend!
Martin said:
IMO Millennium Actress is his best but while Paprika isn't up to that standard, it's still a brilliantly imaginative and entertaining film - it deserves to be doing well. You're right about Kon being a legend!

Your darn right Im right........Kon......loving..........buddy :roll: