
I can just imagine the multiplay chaos with people running into walls because people close a hole on them and people get stuck in infinate time loops. Oh the fun!
walker said:
i loved the bit with the two gun things bouncing through the holes :lol:

Actually, that was only 1 gun. Confused me at first as well, but look closely and you'll see it. The one gun is falling through a portal, coming out the other end, then falling back in again (it's right side up when it comes through one of he portals, upside down in from the other). Angular momentum is preserved, which is why it 'bounces' like that. Once you realise that you'll also notice how the falling is synchronised between the two and you never see them both at the same time. In theory if the physics is accurate, the thing should stop bouncing after a while and simply lie halfway through each end. At least, that's the way I think it's supposed to work. :?
