Purely out of bored interest, and not for attention...

Tell me what the problem is, calmly.

  • insane; possible future serial killer

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • so ronery; needs friendship and love

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • i disagree with everyone and think ur a nice guy; one who's misunderstood by the ignorant masses and

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • sex pest; should be put on the internet cat girl register

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • homophobic; hates queers and doesn't understand that gayness is genetic

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ur misogynistic; hating on womens and needing to prove ur superior

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ur a misanthrope and hate everyone equally

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • is too close for comfort with his dog, Princess

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • in order to get attention, u try to make urself into something ur not. and you like drama like a pro

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
It's not Chrono [Mizaki], he has way more posts than that and types differently. This cardybean character is someone different.
Jayme said:
and types differently

Yeah... he strikes me as being THAT way. If he chucks in an 'obnoxious' in his next message and continues warning people about the dangers of internet pollution, it's certain.
Jayme said:
It's not Chrono [Mizaki], he has way more posts than that and types differently. This cardybean character is someone different.

Does ChronoMizaki use a similar-looking character in his icon?
His current avatar is this:


And his account is here.
Maybe you should keep tabs on him. He could be smuggling mangosteens, immigrants, or maybe even WMDs. If you'd been keeping tabs on him you'd know, but I guess we just have to hope he wasn't. I blame you for our impending Doom, Jayme, & I may consider haunting you for this. :O

WOOOooooooOOOOOooooOOOOOooooo! *ghost*
Mutsumi, either stop trolling Ladyboy (you need a nickname as a birthday present) or imitating a slug. One of the two.

For clarification purposes: Geek is the Cloud to my Sephiroth. I assumed, with his avatar, Mr. Bean wanted to be the Chrono to my Aion. Simple, yes?
Oh yeah, bean's avatar is Chrono from Chrono Crusade, isn't it? No wonder I thought of Chrono, just the wrong one at first.

Plus I'm sure Jayme knows I'm joking around, so I guess all is left is for me to cover you with my slime trails, Aion. *slither*
After reading this thread for the last half hour my eyes are ready to spontaneously combust. But alas, I voted for Aion to be the ronrey in need of some wuv type. He's just bad at showing it in the open. =P
Voddas said:
After reading this thread for the last half hour my eyes are ready to spontaneously combust. But alas, I voted for Aion to be the ronrey in need of some wuv type. He's just bad at showing it in the open. =P
Lmao - No kidding... XD
Otaku-san said:
cardybean said:
This thread is trash, and serves no purpose but board pollution.

You must be new here, welcome :D

No, I've been on here longer than you, although only slightly. Just tend not to post a lot. This thread was just slithgly OTT when it comes to lack of value in content, though!

When I watched Kara 5 and saw this guy, I thought, 'This fella is SO Lupus!'


cardybean said:
No, I've been on here longer than you, although only slightly. Just tend not to post a lot. This thread was just slithgly OTT when it comes to lack of value in content, though!


You're doing it wrong, Mr. Bean. Try harder if you want to become THAT close to Geek; you aren't at his level yet.
Aironic said:
cardybean said:
No, I've been on here longer than you, although only slightly. Just tend not to post a lot. This thread was just slithgly OTT when it comes to lack of value in content, though!


You're doing it wrong, Mr. Bean. Try harder if you want to become THAT close to Geek; you aren't at his level yet.

:p haha, I corrected one of them! Didn't see the other one :(. I don't know who Geek is haha, so dunno what I'm trying to be!

PS, whoever got Chrono mixed up should be shot >.>, <3 Chrono Crusade.
cardybean said:
I don't know who Geek is haha, so dunno what I'm trying to be!

Hmm, I see...

Well, we can easily sort this out with a very straightforward question: When you see a naked man, how does such a sight make you feel? Where do your eyes focus?
Aironic said:
cardybean said:
I don't know who Geek is haha, so dunno what I'm trying to be!

Hmm, I see...

Well, we can easily sort this out with a very straightforward question: When you see a naked man, how does such a sight make you feel? Where do your eyes focus?
Dude, dude, dude... You should know that the 1st thing you would probably see is the guy's upper body (unless in a totally different situation...), so the question is irrelivent.
You should ask it the eyes drag to any specific region afterthe first 0.5 secs... ;)