Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

HunterxHunter - 10/10
I really enjoyed this show but i hope the ova's get liscenced soon cause i wanna see what happens next :D i really loved the second opening sing and the animation in the second half of the series was to say the least amazing and especially liked kurapika as a character because he became so well developed compared to the others and i even liked the minor characters which is something i dont usually care about. the only wierd thing is that every single character in this series look so diffrent from each other that it looks like they're in the wrong anime but whatever. to conclude i enjoyed the soundtrack, characters and the fights :p . Great series!
Jayme said:
CDAdair said:
Just finished watching Bleach. really jolly. can't get 10/10, no spaceships. can't get 9/10, no planets blowing up.
So a solid 8/10 from me. :D
Er.. how much of it?

Well. I think it was really good throughout, funny, weird monster, weird people, weird fights and romantic tension. Just needs spaceships and a few planets blowing up.
CDAdair said:
Jayme said:
CDAdair said:
Just finished watching Bleach. really jolly. can't get 10/10, no spaceships. can't get 9/10, no planets blowing up.
So a solid 8/10 from me. :D
Er.. how much of it?

Well. I think it was really good throughout, funny, weird monster, weird people, weird fights and romantic tension. Just needs spaceships and a few planets blowing up.
I think they're actually asking how much of Bleach you finished watching, since it's not finished yet.
Completed Valkyria Chronicles last night. I've had the craving to watch the series ever since completeing the RPG last month. There were some difference in the story line in comparison to the game but that was to be expected. Some of the changes good and others bad. Overall the story line was great and even though I knew what the final outcome was going to be, it still managed to get me emotional watching certain scenes. The animation wasn't great and some of the big fight scenes (I was looking forward to) lacked detail, which was disapointting. Overall I gave it 7/10 because the story kept me drawn in with it's little changes. If I hadn't played the game before hand however, I would have probably given the series a 6.
Welcome to the NHK - 9/10

It's hard for me to find words at the moment because I'm sat here stunned that a Gonzo adaptation turned out better than its source material (the manga; not sure about the original novel). Just about all the complaints I had with the manga--that it was too drawn out and that characters became unlikeable, their motivations often unclear--were addressed in the anime.

NHK is a satirical but sympathetic story about the hikkikomori phenomenon, though it touches upon a wide range of serious issues, and somehow manages to balance comedy with drama much better than something like GTO. What I like about the show is that it carries a positive message without inventing any quick fixes or artificially happy endings to the problems that afflict the lives of the characters. But it asserts that they can, perhaps with the help of others, at least try to turn their lives around, no matter how bleak their situation seems.

Because of some differences in the story, and perhaps the soundtrack and voice acting, I found the anime more poignant and reflective than the manga, my lasting impression of which is of something much more darkly humourous and cynical. In that sense they compliment each other quite well, though overall I prefer the tone of the anime.
Professor Irony said:
Golgo 13: The Professional
Just looking back through the thread when I noticed this video review. What a blast from the past that was. Since The Professional was the first anime I ever bought it occupies a special place in my heart, but I must confess to not liking the film much at all. As you say in the review, it's pretty grim stuff. The rather unique artistic choices, particularly that freeze-frame painting thing I loathe so much, can be attributed to Osamu Dezaki, who also directed such masterpieces as Sword For Truth and some of the Lupin TV specials. I'd recommend avoiding his other work.

Having seen the opening credits CG, though, I find myself half tempted to buy the DVD. It does look a whole lot less ****** than the helicopter scene, even if that was technically impressive for 1983. I look forward to the Queen Bee review.
Yeah, I had really wanted to try and talk a bit about Dezaki during the review, but I was trying to avoid going over the ten minute mark. Admittedly I've not seen much of his other stuff, but I look a little more kindly on him and his cohorts as they were responsible for the original Cobra tv series. I actually quite like the freeze-frame 'postcard memories' that they use as a trademark, but there's too many of them in the Professional and they're often too close together. Generally, you just got them at the end of each episode in Cobra.

The opening scene with the skeletons is something else though. If you can see it cheaply enough, I'd almost recommend picking the film up just for that and Clements's commentary.

I'll get the Queen Bee review finished soon as well - annoyingly, work keeps getting in the way :)
(Hope you don't mind me adding) Bleach, up to series 4 part one... Only 6/10.

While I do enjoy Bleach's combination of characters, let alone very cool characters, real humorous, great and inspiring fight scenes and very sexy ladies, I do find the issue of somethings. For one some things just don't make sense for me at the moment and even though Anime is not known for making sense, I feel Bleach highlights this fact too much. Like it seems Ichigo gets somehow stronger far too much, with a hefty difference, for example anyhows (I'm not good a looking back at things). Then I'm always complaining why do people keep getting sliced across the shoulder, it agitates me seeing as it happens far too often. And so far I'm watching the bit with the Nats or something. At the moment I'm very annoyed that they're doing another vampire like thing, seriously can't tell you how much I hate others using the vampire idea.

Anyways that's my opinion for the last anime I watched and how I rated it.
Witchblade - 8/10

At this rate I'm gonna have to re-evaluate my opinion of Gonzo.

The first half of this series is entertaining but nothing special. The titular Witchblade has existed for hundreds or maybe thousands of years and attaches itself to compatible women. Why? The series doesn't get around to explaining that. The latest host is 23 year-old Masane, who remembers nothing before an earthquake six years ago, when she was found with a baby girl she names Rihoko.

Witchblade has a silly plot invloving bizarre genetic experiments and evil(ish) megacorporations, while Masane has impossibly huge tits that find their way into shot at every opportunity. Yet even from early on it was clear that there was more to this show than hot women killing ridiculous looking things--though it's not until the second half that it all starts to come together. Like another favourite of mine, Kurau, Witchblade is about relationships, and especially family. It's the theme that drives the entire story. The strength of the show lies in the interaction between various characters, particularly the believeable and very sweet mother/daughter relationship shared by Masane and Rihoko.

Despite being so outwardly generic, Witchblade, mammary obsession aside, is handled tastefully and its subject matter is treated with a surprising amount of sensitivity. Even the ending is perfect. See, I enjoyed the show so much that I didn't get around to complaining about the variable animation quality or vastly inferior second OP/ED combo. That would be churlish.
I don't read reviews that are less than ten paragraphs in length, but it's good to know you aren't quite as devoid of taste as you like to make out on a frequent basis. Good for you, man--you actually enjoyed two of my 9's. Maybe Ocean Waves should be your next purchase?
I shall no doubt purchase Ocean Waves at some point in the near future. Now that I own a Blu-ray player I'm reluctant to spend more than £7-8 on a single DVD. It's fortunate, then, that all Optimum releases eventually find their way down to such a price point.
fabricatedlunatic said:
Welcome to the NHK - 9/10.

I somehow managed to miss that. I'm not familiar with the manga or the novel either, but we finished the anime at one of my anime clubs quite recently and I really liked how it played out towards the end. I've seen a surprising number of people deride NHK as unrealistic, presumably because it does try to be positive about the type of people it's portraying, but I thought there was something quite heartfelt and real about how the characters dealt with their situations and how they ended up.

Until they started showing it at the uni, I'd only ever seen the first half of the series, back when ADV (I think) sponsored a legal stream of it on crunchyroll, and I think it's interesting that they stopped the stream at the half-way point. Until then, it really feels like it's leading up to a fairly ordinary rom-com outcome.
Well, I'm slightly drunk. What better time to rate both Rahxephon and Neon Genesis Evangelion?

This was the one of the first animated series I finished watching. The quality of art and animation in this were astounding to me. In retrospect, it's almost forgettable in places, but it's just... so... beautiful. The ending was a bit of a let-down, but it's not so vapid it doesn't merit a rewatch or two.

8/10 - may increase after a second viewing.

Neon Genesis Evangelion
This has some crazy, angst-ridden emotioal moments. The characters are only too human, flaws and all, and are a strength of the series for me. The last two episodes need to be erased from existence. I get them, but they add nothing to the series. Waste of potential?

It's also annoying that End Of Evangelion appears to be out of production and isn't even available on Lovefilm. Any alternate ending has to be better than this! Will be buying it (second-hand) soon.

8/10 - Anno, what the hell!?

As a sweeping side-by-side comparison, Rahxephon is the prettier (made much later, I know), more faith-in-human-nature version of Neon Genesis Evangelion, although it suffers from seeming almost bland in comparison as a result. I'm also worried most endings in anime series are going to be let-downs in some major way on the basis of these two. That said, they're still both solid series and I'll rewatch them both in time.
Lupin The 3rd Episode 0: The First Contact - 8/10

Holy crap, a decent Lupin TV special. It's actually the first one I've seen that uses digital colouring, and it makes a big difference to the quality of the visuals. The older cell-based specials released by on DVD by Funimation look horribly washed-out and murky, but First Contact's visuals are clean and vibrant. It must have received a decent budget as the art and animation are better than I expected. Fujiko hasn't looked this hot since Mamo.

First Contact tells the entertaining story of how Lupin, Jigen, Fujiko, and Goemon first met. Given that I haven't read the manga nor seen the TV series, I don't know if the events portrayed here are consistent with those iterations; but as someone familiar only with the movies and OVAs, I appreciate having this film as a "starting point".

And a fun ride it is, too. Unlike many Lupin films which try to cram in as many exotic locations as possible, First Contact wisely confines itself to a well-realized New York. All the insane action sequences (my favourite being Lupin biking his way through a building under construction while being chased by Goemon) and implausible gadgetry are correct and present, so as always some suspension of disbelief is required.

Fun but sophisticated. That phrase sums the appeal of the best Lupin movies, and it applies here too.
EVA 2.0 9/10
So the first film covers 6-eps of the TV anime, faithfuly-ish.
This covers the next 16 or so, and rewrites large chuncks.

Don't want to say too much as regards to spoilers.
Oh god the Bluray is going to be awsome. I hope it gets localised quicker than 1.11 did.
Baccano - 9/10

Really really enjoyed this. Wasn't sure what to make of it at first but I've ended up loving every episode and always wanting to watch the next when one finished. There were a lot of characters but it was nice that they were all so unique in their own ways. Isaac and Miria being fantastic. I also quite liked the OVA episodes adding some backstory to some of the characters.
Evangelion 2.0

Saw this at the BFI southbank on Friday.

Like most who saw the first Rebuild film, I'd have to be honest and say I was disappointed with Eva 1.0. While it was a slick retelling of the first several episodes and was a fine movie on it's own terms it didn't really add anything to the TV series and the question 'why bother?' kept lurking at the back of my mind.

2.0 actually surpassed my high expectations. Without going into spoilerific detail I can say that it kept almost everything I liked about the corresponding episodes in the series (powerful drama, awesome action scenes), removed most of what I took issue with (excessive reuse of animation, inconsistent mood and pacing) and at the same time managed to make some welcome additions to characters, plot and the design.

What stood out most of all for me was how much more well rounded most of the cast felt in terms of their character and it's development: Shinji managed to be slightly less pathetic and more active, making him easier to sympathise with. Asuka started out as bitter and aggressive as ever before becoming slightly more friendly and likable, while Rei seemed to have a more human edge than was apparent for much of the original series. How welcome these changes are will be highly subjective, but I found I had a great deal more empathy with Eva's protagonists this time round.

I could bicker about it's smaller issues - how it was a little too long, how Mari felt superfluous for most of the film, that they cut away a couple of scenes I really liked, that not all the CGI was welcome - but they're all minor niggles in what was largely a spectacular film. Now I'm just left wondering how the following film is going to top this.

Wildcard said:
What stood out most of all for me was how much more well rounded most of the cast felt in terms of their character and it's development: Shinji managed to be slightly less pathetic and more active, making him easier to sympathise with...
But being more pathetic and less active made him easier to sympathise with! Wait...

Wildcard said:
...while Rei seemed to have a more human edge than was apparent for much of the original series.
But this is good. Rei always kinda annoyed me, but I think that was less because of her character as envisaged by the staff, more the fact that such a personality devoid character turned into the No.1 otaku wank fantasy of all time (which is doubly bad since Asuka is so awesome). One of the few things I liked about End of Eva was the fact that it did at least make Rei a slightly stronger character.