Review: Robotech Remastered #1


Ghost of Animes
We have just posted Martin Butler's review of <a href="">Robotech Remastered #1</a> (courtesy of Manga).<ul class="menu">"UK fans of old-school mecha shows can finally take a trip down memory lane and enjoy the opening episodes of a series that has made a significant contribution to the establishment of this country’s anime industry. Thanks to an impressive remastering of the video and audio tracks, the series looks and sounds much brighter than the age of the footage suggests and the low RRP makes up for the lack of DVD extras. Although it appears that we will still have to wait for a UK release of the original Macross series there is enough entertainment value in Robotech to make it a fun series to watch in addition to being a fun piece of nostalgia."</ul><a href="">Read more...</a>