Saber Marionette J ^_^


Stand User
After having watched this for the second time and thoroughly enjoying every minute just as much as the first, I decided a recommendation was in order :D

Saber Marionette J is set on a planet called Terra II and was colonised by 6 men who's only chance of survival was to clone themselves, this means that 300 years after they crash landed on this once desolate planet, the only inhabitants are men. The females of society are marionettes (androids/robots), they have no feelings or emotions and are basically tools used by men.
One of the main characters in this series is a young man called Otaru Mamiya, a poor guy who just about makes a living doing odd jobs and can't afford a marionette of his own. One day he stumbles across the abandoned Pioneer museum and a painting of a human female. In a secret basement of the museum he discovers a marionette, sealed away in a containment pod, the marionette reacts to his presense and Lime awakens.
Over the course of the next few episodes, Cherry and Bloodberry are also awakened by Otaru.
Lime, Cherry and Bloodberry are no ordinary marionettes, they can smile, laugh and most of all love, and they all love Otaru :D What they have that the others don't, is a maiden circuit, basically a "heart" that allows them to grow emotionally.

On the planet of Terra II there are 6 countries, Otaru lives in Japoness and the other main character, Faust lives in Gartlant.
Faust is the evil eliment of the show, seemingly unfeeling, cold and a complete tyrant. Faust also has 3 marionettes with maiden circuits, Tiger, Luchs and Panther. His marionettes would do anything for him, but he sees them only as tools. His main objective is to invade and control all of Terra II and so ensues a battle between leaders and marionettes.

Saber Marionette J is at times very funny, you have the interaction between Otaru and Hanagata, his slightly queer next door neighbour.
There is also the wonderful interaction between Otaru and the 3 marionettes. Lime is the innocent naive one, who doesn't know what marriage means, or that living things can't be repaired once broken. Cherry is the homemaker, a great cook, and very motherly. Bloodberry is the strong willed one, very provocative and always flaunting her ample bosom infront of Otaru!
It is also at times very saddening, the dreadful conditions the people of Gartlant live under, the evilness of Faust and his Sabers. Tiger, Luchs and Panther are the sexy eliment of the show, dressed in what can only be described as Nazi style uniforms, they would do anything for Faust, even murder.
Above all it is very entertaining. It's filled with wonderful characters, has great music and that wonderful mid 1990's animation style (The Slayers, Maze, Cyber Team in Akihabara style).
Whenever people rave on about Chobits, I think back to this anime, which I class as the original (but at least these robots have personality :wink:).