So whats your desktop?

From what I've seen so far it looks like an operating system for people who don't understand or like computers. I'm fairly happy with 7, after stopping it from doing all the things Microsoft made it do by default for those same people (such as UAC, automatic updates, indexing and scheduled defragging - piss off Microsoft). It seems rather than educating people on how to actually use software the route being taken now is to make that software do everything that they presume the users want. The key word there being presume. It's catering to the sort of people who don't have the time or patience to learn how to use a computer properly. Vista was worse than 7 in that respect, but 8 looks terrible. And now there's this news which certainly hasn't done anything to reassure me. I realise there are other possible motivations there from Valve's POV, but still.

Better contribute to save it from going too far off topic. Diego Rivera's Man at the Crossroads / Man, Controller of the Universe:

In all fairness, you shouldn't have to learn how to use a computer to the extent these companies force you to. It's why I've never taken to Linux. Apple usually have the right philosophy when it comes to the user experience, although Mountain Lion looks to be taking ideas from Apple's mobile devices instead, which is never good for a desktop OS, and I never approved of their policies or attitude towards consumers. I wouldn't say it's accurate to call the changes presumptions either because they aren't going to stick in features without a reason. I think the complaints come from being too used to what makes Windows "Windows".
Whilst I can see why Fat Gabe is having a panic attack (remember though, this is the man who decried Sony and PSN to anyone who would listen, and then jumped into bed with them quick smart not too long afterwards), I can't see MS being dumb enough to want to position "real" W8 in that manner. It's an obvious route to go down for Windows RT (significantly not called "Windows 8 RT" or something similar) which will be tied to products directly competing with Apple, but their business position in the PC market is considerably different to their position in the tablet market.
^ Really need to get on that. I tend to sit back and wait for reviews of new Anime's before watching and this one is positive all round. I like the look of the art too.
Last one I tried to watch without knowing much about was Sengoku Collection ... badddd choice. I don't like dropping Anime but holy cow

Here's the new WP :)
