Soul Eater?


Thousand Master
Just recently caught a glimpse of the first episode of Soul Eater and was really impressed by the animation and the stylised look, just wondering what you guys think of it, and if its worth commiting too:)
I've really enjoyed what i've watched of Soul Eater so far. The last episode i watched was somewhere around episode 20. I've fallen really far behind, but not through lack of interest.
You will enjoy Soul Eater if you like other Shounen series such as Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece.
My favourite character is the Obsessive-compulsive sufferer Death the Kid. Anyone who has an idea about OCD will really enjoy the episodes that feature him.
Soul Eater is fun. What it lacks in a decent story or action sequences, it makes up for in art.

The actions great when it gets going but, it just pisses me off when they start adding in stupid 'funny' jokes. I much prefer Bleach's way of tackling it: Serious/Badass Action sequences / Comic parts between action when nothing serious goes on.

But then, i'm a total fan of Bleach, so i'm biased.
Soul Eater is great, it's funny, well written, I think it has a decent continuous storyline that doesn't just tell you everything in one go, and has great art. That said, I've only watched the uncut version so that may have something to do with it.

Soul Eater over Bleach any day for me.
Archaic Sage said:
That said, I've only watched the uncut version so that may have something to do with it.
I heard there isn't any real difference between the cut and uncut version, just something to do with the preview...though i may be wrong.
Soul Eater is probably my second favourite shounen style series. Next to One Piece of course. Its story is great, characters may not look deep at first but have a lot to them, specially Black Star and Tsubaki. If you think its action sequences are an area this series lacks in, then i have to say your mistaken. Especially later on, The most recent battle in the manga with Black Star against Mifune was amazing, not only was it fairly lengthy, but it was intense too. You'll find that the comedy in the battle sequences is only at the beginning really as the battles later on become more intense and there is no time for comedy, or a way for the comic side of things to come through. Obviously as you can tell i'm up-to-date with the manga, i'm about half way through the anime series, i need to start getting more of it to watch soon.

Bleach if i have to compare, is nowhere near the quality this has. Bleach is fairly generic, a lot of what happens feels a bit obvious, battles are decent though, yet it tries to have to many characters at one time, and that never is a good thing.
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Outlawstar said:
Thanks for the replies guys, def gonna watch it now, really love the visuals and the first fight scene has whetted my appetite.

No Problem =P

Though srsly, don't expect it all to be as good as these first 5 episodes.
It looks like every mediocre Shounen series thrown together. But I'm going to watch it one day. Plus the first opening is AMAZING.
Spyro201 said:
Outlawstar said:
Thanks for the replies guys, def gonna watch it now, really love the visuals and the first fight scene has whetted my appetite.

No Problem =P

Though srsly, don't expect it all to be as good as these first 5 episodes.

I'd quite easily say otherwise, Specially, if memory serves, episodes 11-12. These episodes aren't about the fight going on, its far far more than that, and it adds to why i would easily rate Black Star and Tsubaki as my top 2 characters from the series. If you think it drops a bit, it certainly picks up in quality as it goes on, and expect more and more in terms of intense battles too.
Soul Eater offers consistently entertaining Shounen antics with animation ranging from decent to fantastic.

While I absolutely love some parts (Stein VS Medusa around episode 20 was one of the most awesome fights I've seen in anime) it occasionally becomes a little too generic for my tastes. It frequently seems to poke fun at cliches of the genre, though this means it runs the risk of becoming one itself.

I'll have to see how it wraps up before I can make any real judgements, but through the 47 episodes I've watched it's kept me interested.
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Arbalest said:
Spyro201 said:
Outlawstar said:
Thanks for the replies guys, def gonna watch it now, really love the visuals and the first fight scene has whetted my appetite.

No Problem =P

Though srsly, don't expect it all to be as good as these first 5 episodes.

I'd quite easily say otherwise, Specially, if memory serves, episodes 11-12. These episodes aren't about the fight going on, its far far more than that, and it adds to why i would easily rate Black Star and Tsubaki as my top 2 characters from the series. If you think it drops a bit, it certainly picks up in quality as it goes on, and expect more and more in terms of intense battles too.

Ah see- I hate Black Star. He annoys me. Soul is the best character, and when Death the Kid is serious, then he's badass. It's just I get annoyed how, an example is when we meet Death the Kid, he's kicking ass then suddenly a big pause, and "OH NO ITS NOT SYMETRICAL!"- That was a real pisser for me. I guess I just prefer more serious action sequences.
I have to agree, not all of the episodes are as good as 1-5, there are a couple of odd data-dump episodes but overall it's a great anime with amazing visuals and a solid extended storyline :).
Spyro201 said:
Arbalest said:
Spyro201 said:
Outlawstar said:
Thanks for the replies guys, def gonna watch it now, really love the visuals and the first fight scene has whetted my appetite.

No Problem =P

Though srsly, don't expect it all to be as good as these first 5 episodes.

I'd quite easily say otherwise, Specially, if memory serves, episodes 11-12. These episodes aren't about the fight going on, its far far more than that, and it adds to why i would easily rate Black Star and Tsubaki as my top 2 characters from the series. If you think it drops a bit, it certainly picks up in quality as it goes on, and expect more and more in terms of intense battles too.

Ah see- I hate Black Star. He annoys me. Soul is the best character, and when Death the Kid is serious, then he's badass. It's just I get annoyed how, an example is when we meet Death the Kid, he's kicking ass then suddenly a big pause, and "OH NO ITS NOT SYMETRICAL!"- That was a real pisser for me. I guess I just prefer more serious action sequences.

Out of curiosity, but do you hate Black Star because he reminds you too much of Naruto? If so i can see where you would be coming from, and won't continue, hah, as he will appear like a mix of a couple of naruto characters. Death the Kid though, is an interesting one, early on his need for everything to be symetrical is huge, but it begins to dim down a fair bit, specially when things get a lot more serious. Ok it still has a fair bit of its comedy going about, and it always will do, but there we go.

It has to be said though, you can't exactly say Bleach never got away with no comical style battles early on in its series, as there was a few, much like what Soul Eater has, so i wouldn't say they differ much in that respect.