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Well, last night I apparently found out what it's like to have a seizure. Who'd of thought going to see Harry Potter with friends would end up with me in A&E? >.<
Godot said:
Well, last night I apparently found out what it's like to have a seizure. Who'd of thought going to see Harry Potter with friends would end up with me in A&E? >.<

those Deathly Horrows got you hey? ;)

hope ur ok though spyro
Ryo Chan said:
Godot said:
Well, last night I apparently found out what it's like to have a seizure. Who'd of thought going to see Harry Potter with friends would end up with me in A&E?

those Deathly Horrows got you hey? ;)

hope ur ok though spyro

Hah, yep they did. I'm pretty fine now. Been pretty low on energy all day, but that's to be expected I suppose. Much to my friends anger, I ended up discharging myself before a doctor came to see me... and then made them drive me home. At the time it seems sensible, now I feel an ass. >.<

Ah well, i'm (seemingly) okay now :)
Yeah dude, that wasn't smart, I would go see a doctor anyway. Glad to hear you're OK though, that must have been crazy if it hasn't happened to you before.
ilmaestro said:
Yeah dude, that wasn't smart, I would go see a doctor anyway. Glad to hear you're OK though, that must have been crazy if it hasn't happened to you before.

Yeah, I kicked the **** into my mates gloves compartment through my spasms. Was pretty scary at the time. I just hate seeing Doctors etc., so i'm just gonna see if things stay easy for a few days first. With any luck I wont turn into a spasming wreck in college tommorow >.<

Well that all sounds a little unnerving. I Hope that's the last you see of it.

F*ck me, is it *really* twenty past eleven on Sunday night? Can't I have a few more days off, please? Where's Bernard's Watch when you need it...
ayase said:

Well that all sounds a little unnerving. I Hope that's the last you see of it.

F*ck me, is it *really* twenty past eleven on Sunday night? Can't I have a few more days off, please? Where's Bernard's Watch when you need it...

good lord Bernards Watch that takes me back

*pun intended*
The end of another Era.... *salutes* goodbye teenage years, weve had our times but none that i truly regret. now... it's time to face facts and become a true adult.

20, you've crept upon me from out of the blue.
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
Happy birthday Tachi-, make this 20th a good one for the end of your teen years and mark the beginning of your future years as an immature adult :p

Cheers mate,

I’ll try to resist conforming to adult life and duties as best and long as possible. :p
Was actually dreading this cornerstone… I’m now even more blatantly older than my missus, still, 2 years isn’t bad lol.
A happy birthday to both ye Tach and Ryo. Enjoy the day fully, but don't do anything too stupid ;p

I dunno why, but i never found my 20th to be that spectacular. All that happened was i had me first drink, and that was it. Saying that..21 was boring too, hah.

Now with that. I shall go back to being shut in the world of studying. I'm gonna be some incarnation of hell after these 3 weeks have passed, i can assure you.
Thanks mono, arby and btw ryo I’ve replied on MAL.

Happy birthday to you too ryo,

Not sure what to do for tonight, thinking of just relaxing and talking to the gf on skype, watch an idiot abroad together via skype and probably get a Chinese lol.

Got 3 loads of aftershave, I think they know I go through it a lot :p
I wanna join in! Happy b-day, Tachi and bro.

As an extra gift for you both, know that I'm going to the dentist in 2 days... Revel in it all you like. :p
Chaz said:
I wanna join in! Happy b-day, Tachi and bro.

As an extra gift for you both, know that I'm going to the dentist in 2 days... Revel in it all you like. :p

i would... if i hadn't chipped a tooth on the weekend lol