The General Conversation Area

Gemsy-chan said:
Well i went to Southampton today and decided to pop into Forbidden Planet, last time i went they had a huge manga collection....well today it was terrible. I had more manga and anime in my bedroom, so i ended up not buying anything.

On a good note i did buy a new pair of jeans. Thanks to Slimming World i've gone down another dress size.

I noticed that the last time I was in Forbidden Planet, that the manga selection seems to get smaller and smaller.

Sign of the times
Well had Birmingham to that list too. Last time I went I couldn't even find it and then I saw the section last minute before I was about to leave lol. Nostalgia and Comics still have a wide variety, luckily. Infact I still have no idea why I still go Forbidden anymore, Nostalgia is 10x better.
Yowanda-san said:
You underestimate me if you think my day is that conventional.
Heh, fair.

It just feels kind of bizarre that 4chan in particular is blocked when Reddit or 9gag or Imgur aren't, all of which host just as much questionable or illicit content.
At what point are you mismatching you comparisons to the extent that you are just comparing 4chan to "Google", or "the internet as a whole". I think you understand full well why people would treat 4chan with more circumspection than reddit or imgur (I neither know nor want to know what "9gag" is).
st_owly said:
It's the same with the one in Newcastle. Every time I go the manga section has shrunk.

Not just Forbidden Planet, Waterstones is slowly reducing the number of volumes they have on stock.

Not to mention WH Smiths.

Forbidden Planet International (Wolverhampton/Edinburgh) was good, however I haven't been in either in over a year (seeing as the last time I was in them I spent over £100 on various volumes on 3 for 2)
The one in Edinburgh is still good, I get most of my new releases there as the 3 for 2 makes the prices comparable to Amazon. They don't get everything in though, especially Yen Press stuff, which is really annoying as having the 3 for 2 makes their stuff actually affordable... The one in Glasgow is really good, but doesn't have the 3 for 2 so I don't tend to buy as much there.

Yes, WHSmith has always been awful. I don't think I've ever bought a volume from there.
My local WH Smith is pretty much a row of Naruto, a row of One Piece, a row of Death Note, and then a few other random series sandwiched into the space that's left.
Lutga said:
My local WH Smith is pretty much a row of Naruto, a row of One Piece, a row of Death Note, and then a few other random series sandwiched into the space that's left.

What no Bleach? :lol:

Probably the only stuff which sells in large enough numbers as being some of the "big names" of the manga world.
Hello all.

How be you?

I'm not too bad. I'm on like week two of a chesty cough. Last week was a nightmare as it effected my ribs and made the muscle inbetween them swell.

Went to the MFCC (they've renamed it now I believe haha) and I thought it was POO. Think I might very well be the only person who did haha.

When I went, fellow civilians like myself were the majority. Cosplayers were the few which I didn't like. Also it was EMPTY and yes I did take into account how it was better spaced and still, EMPTY! lol.

The guests were naff too compared to who they've bagged for their other cons.

If they come back next year they better come back bigger and better!!!
-Danielle- said:
Hello all.

How be you?

I'm doing fine. I'm now at home for the summer since I finished my second year of Uni.

My results are slowly coming in but I'm very disappointed in myself (and certain modules) because I let myself down in terms of revision and effort on certain tasks. I should be able to pass the year but overall it's a massive disaster - especially with Maths.
- I managed to get around 87% (or 1st) in the first year and now it's looking like it's going to hit the 50-60% (2.2) due to OpenGL (a coding type). I'm not trying to blame people since I know I'm responsible for the mark but that OpenGL section was poorly handled in terms of learning, they just shoved everyone into the assignment after 1 session for learning it.
- Architecture was a disaster for the first assignment since I couldn't do it (too complex I found it), so I was hoping to resit the assignment but the teacher hadn't marked it yet. What's worse was that assignment's deadline was back in January (facepalm).
- And lastly Game Development. The last assignment was a disaster also; we were put in random groups, one person didn't bother doing any contribution to the group and the other didn't make it for various meetups so it was me and another person. We even had to start all over a couple days before the deadline, I just went '**** it' at this rate.

Enough about my rant, what about the positives..

I'm doing some exercises every day, eating reasonably and I managed to lose a couple pounds which is great. I've also got my Birthday coming up on Father's Day which is always a strange mix.
I'm happy my exam is done :)

Also managed to attack the front hedges this evening, just need to visit the dump to empty out the bins of hedge cuttings before attempting to attack the rear hedges. Cutting them is fun, picking up the cuttings isn't
I hope no one minds, but may I ask how old a lot of you are? Normally when I visit forums as a 17 year old, I don't feel out of place, but I get the feeling that a lot of the people here are significantly older than that.
I'm 31. Been watching Anime for about 12 years. Watched a LOT in that time, but find it shocking how little I seem to know compared to people on this forum like 10 years younger than me.
I'm 24. Been watching anime and reading manga since I was about 13.

In other news, I got my results back today as well. I've managed a 2:1 overall so I'm pretty pleased with that. I graduate on the 3rd July.
Yup the average age of a lot of the regs on here trends a bit higher than you might expect (although I'd guess one or two people aren't as old as you think they are from reading their posts, lol).