The number of new members in November

AironicallyHuman said:
Are you praising my brain or insulting my e-penis, here? (If you're bitchin', you're just angry I never accepted your MAL friend request. I don't DO skirt-wearing Scots.)

What's the excuse with arble's then, since I've seen you skirt chasing him before
Maxon. :lol: There's no real need to ignore Reaper, though.

sic vita est, from what I remember, you usually have something pretty interesting to say when you do post, so don't worry about just jumping in. :)
AironicallyHuman said:
Maxon said:
sic vita est said:
I think I'm still overwhelmed by the level of knowledge of anime on these forums and hence a bit reluctant to post.
You should be fine if you ignore Aion and Reaper.

Are you praising my brain or insulting my e-penis, here? (If you're bitchin', you're just angry I never accepted your MAL friend request. I don't DO skirt-wearing Scots.)
I'm insulting your e-penis. However, I actually forgot that I friend requested you on MAL. I guess you're feeling guilty about not accepting it. No biggie. I get accepted by everyone else I friend request.

AironicallyHuman said:
...Either way, the forum would be a bit naff, without my dickism. It's devoid of personality as it is, without blanking someone as entertaining as myself.

Living in ignorance, like a blind man, is not the way to happiness.
Being a **** isn't the way to happiness either. :wink:
Arbalest said:
I'm starting to consider putting up news of new manga series and light novel series being released in english/finishing its publication in japan now, much like the Spicy Wolf piece i put up a few minutes ago. Just curious if that is the sort of news people would like to see up there now or if they'd ratheri focused more on other topics.

More news & reviews on light novels would be good.

Some other suggestions,

More news & reviews for anime soundtracks & JPOP etc
More news & reviews for figurines & anime merchandise
Feature on classic anime/manga - could have one title per week perhaps?.
Aion, forever playing the forum villain role (and long may it last!). I miss the old evil-looking avatar.

On-topic, would've suggested trying to get a front-page link on somewhere like UKAN, but not sure if they or chaos would be willing to do that (I notice this site is entirely ad-free).

The November post-count stats don't look that bad, and they certainly don't quantify quality of discussion so can't be looked at in isolation.
He's hardly the villain though. He's like one of them characters that stick around purely because they are popular, even though this late in the stage they have lost any form of integrity and malice. Sucks.
sic vita est said:
Aion, forever playing the forum villain role (and long may it last!). I miss the old evil-looking avatar.

On-topic, would've suggested trying to get a front-page link on somewhere like UKAN, but not sure if they or chaos would be willing to do that (I notice this site is entirely ad-free).

The November post-count stats don't look that bad, and they certainly don't quantify quality of discussion so can't be looked at in isolation.

I think we may have once considered, or may have had, google ads, but we got rid of them if we did, quite obviously. I don't think chaos would consider them, but it's possible i guess. It's completely dependent on him, or if everyone here can persuade me, entirely dependent on my persuasion powers.

As for my news posting. Expect it to be sporadic at best up until tuesday. i have exams up until monday, so i'm either studying(like i should be now) or sleeping. So i'll go exploring and posting what i can as soon as possible. As for light novel reviews, i'm highly tempted to give it a bash. Let me consider it.
Jayme said:
He's hardly the villain though. He's like one of them characters that stick around purely because they are popular, even though this late in the stage they have lost any form of integrity and malice. Sucks.

When did I lose this "integrity" you speak of? I've never changed my ways or my thought process; I'm still as much of an opinionated ******** as ever. I don't get it?...
One minute you're kissing my ******** for "putting manga on your radar", the next you're being an annoying prick by trying to troll me?

Deprived of sleep and more cranky than usual, I'm pissed off as is. So, if you're trying to be funny, do me a favour and **** off, please.
Arbalest said:
I think we may have once considered, or may have had, google ads, but we got rid of them if we did, quite obviously. I don't think chaos would consider them, but it's possible i guess. It's completely dependent on him, or if everyone here can persuade me, entirely dependent on my persuasion powers.

I am not sure if we would want to go down the Google ads route as I don't know how much control you get over the ads shown or whether they just show what they think is related to the site.

There have been times on Crunchyroll the Google ads have been for known pirate manga/anime sites or at least sites of dubious legality and I have considered whether I should let Crunchyroll or Google know. Crunchyroll may have wanted to know about advertising appearing for dodgy sites that take their traffic or in the worst case use stuff ripped from their streams. Google on the other I doubt could care less as long as they get their money and not too many complaints.
This is the first I heard that there were actually multiple websites for the UK community. UK Anime Network looks... horrible. Went on the front page and immediately hated the layout. Looks like Nfo but cheaper. At least AUKN is easy on the eye.

I would love, love, love a British podcast. Downloading something from UK Anime Network now to see how that's faring. Before this, the only other one I'd listened to was Eye On Anime, but can't remember if they've released anything new. They weren't that great, to be honest.

Anyway, this discussion is brilliant. I'm taking notes as I go.
VivisQueen said:
I would love, love, love a British podcast.
British as in "mainly concerning UK releases/industry news" or just a British podcast about anime in general? On one hand, the former would feel a lot more unique, on the other hand the latter would be way easier to create content for, and get people to listen to.

I suppose the obvious thing would just be to have a segment each time that was UK-specific, now that I actually think about it.
Yeah, a half way point would probably be the best thing idea, so one time it could a talk about a major upcoming release, then next time something about a recent or upcoming con, then maybe good places to get merch in the UK at decent prices. I think there's plenty of ideas around a UK-anime theme if you were to use just one a time.
UK Anime feels cluttered. I hang out on an American website where everything is colourful, bountiful, but really neat. So seeing clutter makes me do this >_<

I prefer dated but organised much more than HERE IS STUFF HERE IS STUFF CLICK IT AND FUGLY FEMALE ANIME BANNER LOLZ!!!1! But this is just a comment on layout since the above complaint has meant I haven't yet checked out the content.

As for the podcast, absolutely, one about anime/manga in general and then a section for UK releases. I'd like charismatic hosts, a mix of genders, and people who've seen more than just all the shounen and ecchi from 2005 onwards.

And I'll take that with a side order of chips, please.
There are a lot of anime podcasts already, but not so many with a UK focus, maybe two or three that I can find on Google (this thread's on the second results page I got). Not sure if there's enough UK material for more than one podcast a month of any reasonable length so mixing it up would be good: it's not like no-one imports R1 stuff.

I note AUKN did one in 2007 as well, was this not well-received or just a one-off?
Not 100% related to the title, but maybe better than starting a new thread, does anyone (chaos, I guess) still have the numbers for total posts last year during this current three month run of sub-3000 post months?