The Political Compass


School Idol
We've had some political opinion here recently, so I thought I might as well try an interesting little test. It's called the political compass. 6 sets of quick questions, go with your gut feeling on each, and then at the end you get told whether you're authoritarian, libertarian, economically left or right, and also get a nice little graph.

So, here's the test:

And as a quick example of where we stand:

And, finally, where I stand:

Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -4.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.10


Frankly I think it might be interesting to see where we stand on this. (If you want to show the image, then you may have to upload it to imageshack or something.
<a href=""><img src="" border="0" alt="Image Hosted by"></a><br><a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>

Yay! I'm part-commie! (A.k.a. a socialist.)
Well, I'm almost like Nelson Mandela, which is a good thing in my view. Go me! 8)
Hanging with Nelson and the Dalai.

A little further left than I thought, but at least I guessed the right quarter.
ayase said:
A little further left than I thought, but at least I guessed the right quarter.
Now that's a conumtrum... You're right with the left? *Head explodes* :lol:
Just messing with ya. Carry on guys/gals.

I thought I was too soft and in cloud cuckoo land but it seems I share quite a lot of views with Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama. It certainly explains why I'm unimpressed with the current UK government. Who wants to vote for me next election...?
It's interesting to note that so far we have no one from the economic right wing. We've got authoritarians, and libertarians.....and varying degrees of socialist and centreist....but no economic right wingers.