What did you RECEIVE today? PHOTOS EDITION!

How do Essentials look inside? Reverse cover duplicate without the bar or an illustration inside or mixed like the saves were?

So in Orange's case it's just a different illustration, not really one you can reverse and display.
Hmmm.... So the essentials really are the successors to the saves in and aspects. I guess that double bar probably is still a bit better than the old green spine at least.
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Looks like you're supposed to remove the goodies box and that becomes the space for part 2. Regret cancelling my part 2 order with mvm sale code a while back as I thought there be a collectors part 2 as well. Whoops.
Nice. Could you provide photos of the amaray case, specifically the artwork shown on the front, back and inside since Manga have a trend of using standard edition artwork over limited edition for their sets.
A Gundam movie trilogy trilogy?
Sarazanmai BD vol. 1

Took pretty much full 3 weeks to arrive, because I had to go the forwarding route, because amazon JP wouldn't ship to Switzerland beginning this year. >_>
They would have to Germany, but of course this month I couldn't receive it there. In the 3 days I needed to figure out my options the regular LE went OOS, so I went for the Amazon LE, which by now has completely told out and turned out to be cheaper than the regular LE's restock. So the Amazon LE it was and forwarding it was as well and with SAL it came about 2.5€ or so cheaper than it would have been the other way. And of course since I not got the Amazon LE already, which comes with 1 of 6 codes to get your collector's box, I started to want the others as amazon LE as well. But damn it, just that code makes up for a price difference of some 1700 Yen. Need to figure that out soon, as vol. 2 is released this week....

Vol. 1 comes with a booklet containing Interviews, Mini-Manga and Settei/Genga stuff and also the complete storyboard of episode 1.
Also funny thing, this is the first digipack I saw being made to house such extras inside as opposed to next to it (i.e. AL-style).

Unfortunately the whole thing cam in a jiffy bag and a corner was hit a bit. I tried flattening the bump, but there is still some trace left over.
And of course it just had to be on a cover corner.

Is that the infamous Amazon JP jiffy bag everyone seems to hate? I didn't order a repackaging, but I haven't seen Amazon ever using those before either, there was no amazon paper slip inside (did amazon jp put them in like Amazo Europe Don't remember) and for some reason the forwarding service seemed to know it was "Anime goods" for declaring it on the customs note when I had forgotten to mention what was exactly inside.
Kind of impressed that with that packaging it actually arrived with just that bump and nothing more...
(The holes were me opening it though.)