What you guys doing right now.

MTW said:
Manga Girls said:
Trying to decide my next manga haircut. The shortlist is currently:


Can't decide at all!

And I go to the hairdressers tomorrow....!

You impress me i'd never have the balls to do that :eek:

If I spent all my time fixing my hair in the morning I'd probably hang myself.

Just gimme a brush and a band.

On topic: I'm beginning to think chain-drinking Pepsi takes it's sugary toll after 6-7 bottles. :x
MTW - I've had so many manga haircuts, its second nature. It would be strange if I walked in and asked for a normal haircut now.

The Yuki one is actually easy to style. Just brush it and only straighten the manga tails on the sides. I've already developed the habit of pulling the tails the way Yuki does.

Back on topic: It's my leaving do at work today although technically my last day is friday. We're all supposed to make something and bring it in. But I feel like cheating...

M.G xx
Praying that i don't have to go to a interview in order to renew my child passport to a adult passport.

I dont suppose any of you lot know? It seems pointless for someone who has lived in the UK their entire life, their parents and grandparents and great great grandparents and so on were british citizens AND already has a passport to have to go and prove to a person that they are from this country and deserve a passport.

I'd rather be blown up by a terrorist bomb than go through all this bureaucratic shizz again.
Currently just woke up about an hour ago, so idling in IRC as always and starting my packing for uni(ok i don't go till saturday, but i have a lot to pack)