What you guys doing right now.

Fullmetalsgal said:
where's my cow? said:
Recovering from hangover... When will I learn?

Drinking is bad. Baaaaaaaaaad

It's good for you in moderation - gets rid of some nasty bugs :wink:

Right now I'm chatting to my girlfriend in a very exhausted, hungry and cranky mood. But she's amazing so the pain is easing a little ^_^
i have just logged into Xbox live! at the moment and am just about to go on call of duty 2, also just relaxing now that the week of school is now over. also on MSN waiting for people to come chat to me
Watching Lionking 2 :p im such a disney fangirl it's depressing T_T
Then i have to go through my clothes for my holiday and finish my drama coursework T_T
XxFrozen_NekoxX said:
Watching Lionking 2 :p im such a disney fangirl it's depressing T_T
Then i have to go through my clothes for my holiday and finish my drama coursework T_T

Now there is nothing wrong with Disney lol!

On msn talking to my boyfriend :D
Trying to amke it look like I'm doing coursework...They'll notice soon enough though lol!
i'm preparing to go round the shops to get batteries for my wireless controller for the xbox 360...but there is a foot of snow outside!...so i may need to prepare myself for the odd snowball fight along the way

ive just got in from work glad i made it in one piece skidded the car all the way home snow is so much fun ive just sat down to start watching gungrave looks quite good :D
Vash said:
Dont start her off or i'll be forced to through my new pointy darts at you >P i have already Di-sected a heart today, happy to do anouther one :3
Just got in, munching on a strawberry sandwich while waiting for FMA 41 to load <.< then have to finish my drama coursework T_T
Mini-Mariah said:
and thinking about my boyfriend *Dreamy trance*

I know what thats like lol! Currently listening to Beauty is within is while staring into space missing my own boyfriend. Also hearing my cat scratch my door.
KittySeras said:
Mini-Mariah said:
and thinking about my boyfriend *Dreamy trance*

I know what thats like lol! Currently listening to Beauty is within is while staring into space missing my own boyfriend. Also hearing my cat scratch my door.

See Neko, this girl understands me lmao, y'know I'm kidding and deep down I know you wouldn't want my heart to be disected XD DEEP DOWN YOU CARE NEKO!!! *Sobs*

Ok, I'm done. So, I am currently listening to prettyful lurrve music and talking to a few mates. Missing a certain someone x.x
I'm am too young for a boyfriend. But My dream one would have longe blonde hair, gold eyes, kinda on the short side, and have a cool red jacket. And limbs like steel!!!!