Words of Wisdom: Marriage


This is EXACTLY why I'm keeping all me manga books in plastic bags, like. It's the best way to be.

There is some inbuilt desire within us to get a long term girl friend (or visa versa depending on gender and sexual preference), maybe you could call that marriage. Well I've gone through different short term relationships and your post still does not put me off trying to find a long term girl friend. Maybe that's not such a good thing though :p
Asdrubael said:
There is some inbuilt desire within us to get a long term girl friend (or visa versa depending on gender and sexual preference), maybe you could call that marriage.

I think I'd call it nature =P Much as we glorify ourselves we are still but animals and finding a mate, for reproduction or no, is pretty much in our genes, though obviously having more self-awareness than animals some peple don't care for the whole shenanigan of relationships, and if you're happy alone more power to ya, but I'd rather find someone to settle down with.
I will confess that my first thought was "Aion is married!?".

If MAL's full of quality posts such as that one then I may have to get an account there, but I'm still trying to figure out if that was humour from someone whose first language isn't English or a cry from a tortured soul. There's just no way to tell.
Me, married? No. I decided long ago that my Princess is the only one for me. She'll never betray me... unlike those BITCHES.

Anyway. When I was reading through the message, I did think that the quality of the the content, in terms of how the poster expressed himself in an amusing way, made it seem like the poster was just joking about. But the member seems to be a typical MAL plonker, so he's probably for realz.
Well, assuming he's more real than Lupus, he believes wives wait at home for their men, food at the ready. He also sees it fairly normal for a man to get frustrated at having his wife pay attention to his needs; resulting in a severe beating.

Going on that, I'd say he's been brainwashed by the sexist propaganda contained within numerous manga/anime titles. Characters like Belldandy are probably how he imagines females are supposed to be, or something.
I'm married, yes happily and my anime and manga collection are perfectly safe, so is my sanity, just bought a new house bigger than the last so I could have a garage for my motorbikes and one of the bedrooms has been turned into an anime vault for me complete with PC big screen and all my manga and anime happily stored away from sticky fingers
That-Bastard-Bad-Guy-Aion said:
Me, married? No. I decided long ago that my Princess is the only one for me. She'll never betray me... unlike those BITCHES.

Having sex with your dog isn't cool, bro.
Oh my God. What a gentlemanly passage. Its eloquence puts the Humphrey Bogarts of the world to shame. I assume it's translated from proper English into some kind of chav-ish.

Otaku are great but please, they can write better stuff than this.
I've read through this guy post and all I can say is that that's too sad. He mentioned porn, but no whores? COME ON!!!

Anyway, guy must be an early 20's virgin, whose friends are getting married and "abandoning" him. Very sad. =/
Strange. All the while, my predicament is how to get a husband who will like anime as much as I do but is not a sexist, insecure, illiterate, reclusive online freak with no experience of real-life women.

But thanks for the laughs, nonetheless, Aion.