How do you Otaku-lise your room?

I used to have posters on my door, but like RR felt rather stupid to waste good material (plus most of them where cut outs from Newtype).

Mostly I just alphabetise my series on a long shelf I've got across my wall. I then make mental averages on the licenses and post productions
stuart-says-yes said:
how do people end up with so much manga and anime ect do they have good paying jobs or something ???
Well I had a job for a short period where I bought a fair bit and I'm pretty good with money anyway.
stuart-says-yes said:
how do people end up with so much manga and anime ect do they have good paying jobs or something ???
I'm still trying to build the will to sell off some of my stuff so I have space for newer or better shows...
I have an Ebay account, but not enough reason to use it. ^_^'
Otaku-san said:
I used to have posters on my door, but like RR felt rather stupid to waste good material (plus most of them where cut outs from Newtype).
Anything of the... interesting variety, perchance?
One wall of my room is laden with assorted small posters, flyers and Expo bric-à-brac. My New Dominion Tank Police poster is probably the most risqué exhibit, however.
stuart-says-yes said:
how do people end up with so much manga and anime ect do they have good paying jobs or something ???
I wouldn't say I've always had well paid jobs, but I've always had a job of some sorts since I was 16, whether that was a full time job like I have now, or just workings weekends when I was in Uni.
Zin5ki said:
Otaku-san said:
I used to have posters on my door, but like RR felt rather stupid to waste good material (plus most of them where cut outs from Newtype).
Anything of the... interesting variety, perchance?
One wall of my room is laden with assorted small posters, flyers and Expo bric-à-brac. My New Dominion Tank Police poster is probably the most risqué exhibit, however.

Where did you get it & how much did it cost?
It's only an A4 one. It's on the reverse of the Manga DVD insert, which I obtained for a fiver. Used copies can still be found for a reasonable price.
Zin5ki said:
Otaku-san said:
I used to have posters on my door, but like RR felt rather stupid to waste good material (plus most of them where cut outs from Newtype).
Anything of the... interesting variety, perchance?
One wall of my room is laden with assorted small posters, flyers and Expo bric-à-brac. My New Dominion Tank Police poster is probably the most risqué exhibit, however.

Well anything interesting I kept on the the door facing my room, like the pinup of Ren from DeaRs, or a Puni Puni Poemy poster, on the outside I had cut outs and bits from Newtype like Harima Kenji and text surrounding him "IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK!!!!"
Re-arranged my room a bit and took some stuff out of hiding finally. (I used to sleep in the livingroom, heating issues.)

(I tried using the sites attachment feature to cut down on size taken up but I'm not sure if it helped. :) )
Durial666 said:
That's one hell of a collection of anime there. I see most if not all are R2 as well.
Cheers and you are correct they are indeed all R2 :D

stuart-says-yes said:
how do people end up with so much manga and anime ect do they have good paying jobs or something ???
I have a decent job yeh, but If I'd been drinking like I did back then I'd most likely end up with a lot less than that.
eff me sideways, you guys have more animé DVDs than I have regular and animé DVDs combined =S Probably still even more if I threw in my games too. Impressed is not the word =P
All my stuff is jumbled up together, really.



Lol, Axel plushie...

My "collection" is so... non-existent compared to most of you. I have 30 volumes of manga on my shelf. They take up more space than my anime. Poster-wise all I have is one big Kingdom Hearts II poster, that I love. Buuut... considering that I'm 100% dependent on my parents, it isn't that bad.
Had to suddenly move (don't you love when you get told last minute...) ((This is also why I'm practically non-existant on here nowadays, that and a full time job. Everything happened at once. >_<))

So I've had to geek up a new room.

Gah, pic 1: BL- Trying to take a pic of my keychains on my bag. Konata and Zelgadis, and the kitty plush my flatmate mistook for Chi.
Mm nice pics! I liked wandering off into the delicious random coverart pictures too. That Perfect Blue blu art is stunning and makes me want to upgrade.
